Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
any of you guys know about wiring a PC fan to a mains power outlet? i just tried lol failed miserably, i think it was because the plug i used was too powerfull or not enough,but either it popd and the fan went up in smoke lol. i think i need to have a fan that can withstand a current higher than the wire can emit thus preventing it from surgin, but im baked. HHEELLPP my seeds will be germinated in 1 day!!!


Well-Known Member
Where did the elite system come from? I was gone for a few days and maybe a little too stoned or something., but I log-in and am surrounded by elitists... Fire it up and forget. Happy wake and bake everyone. -21 degrees F without the wind this morning. Fireing up two different ways ;)


Well-Known Member
Where did the elite system come from? I was gone for a few days and maybe a little too stoned or something., but I log-in and am surrounded by elitists... Fire it up and forget. Happy wake and bake everyone. -21 degrees F without the wind this morning. Fireing up two different ways ;)
mornin RMH,,,,hey tahoe,,waddup Willie,,,Elite means you paid for a subscription to RIU,,or made a donation,,check it out,,it's cheap,,and supports the site we all love to come to:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
hey man....light away....for me? this was a subscription type opportunity to give sumthin back to RIU.....keep warm man....:blsmoke::peace::blsmoke:
Where did the elite system come from? I was gone for a few days and maybe a little too stoned or something., but I log-in and am surrounded by elitists... Fire it up and forget. Happy wake and bake everyone. -21 degrees F without the wind this morning. Fireing up two different ways ;)


Well-Known Member
can't sleep,,been up since 6,,held off till now,,,my morning tea and thc is ready,,,Wake N Bake time:hump::joint::blsmoke:

Keep on Growin



New Member
cant sleep. cause my lights need to go off at 6am

so i burned my wake an bake.

im on :joint: number


so...with that in mind...

i smoked :joint::joint: before i smoked :joint::joint:....there for i must smoke :joint::joint: more.
