Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I had a horse as a teenager. As a kid I was always into westerns, and always wanted a horse...Then when we moved to the country I got my chance, and I bought one at age 14. I never realized when I bought it, what a chic magnet a horse is. All the neighborhood girls wanted to ride....all 2 of them, lol.

At age 16 I sold the horse to my mom for a years insurance payment on my car, and never rode the old mare again. Horses are a lot of work!!

I've only rode a horse once and it tried to rub me off on a fence... dick!

Ponies are more my speed.

I had 3 summer camps, a quarry, a concrete company, and a paving company all call up and schedule service today, WTF.
Everyone thinks winter is over, I guess. I just hope the raccoons got the message, aren't in any of the cabins.
They are worse than hobos when they get rousted, no manners at all.