Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I just posted in another thread ..and my post ened up in the middle of the thread, I quoted a guy and my post is before his .. WTF ...
Don't you ever listen? You are a male, aren't you?? What were hester and I talking about earlier??? ... EVERYTHING'S FUCKED UP AGAIN, MAN! :-P
Or is this another twilight zone moment... did that post come from the future????

Im a cranky fucker today ,, I think ""That time of the month "' is near ,, I feel bloated and pissy, I dont feel pretty , all I wanna do is sleep..
Whoops! Sorry Lovey, I didn't mean any of that... :shock: ... and I think you're beautiful. :hug:

Road to recovery can have kid pot holes :lol:

here's a pic I just snapped this morn....enjoy.

out. :blsmoke:
Nice pics... I like the other one too. :clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Seriously though Vette, you should just grin and bear it... you know you should.

Everyone's afraid of medical procedures, at least a little bit... but most of them are glad they've had it done afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Yeah..I'm doing the heating pad in the tub later....... Jail guy called...so you got any smoke ??...who the fuck does he think I am... smokes -R -US... I hope they're serving turkey at the shelter for new years...cause thats where he'll be .... asshole...
sorry .. mini rant..


Well-Known Member
Seriously though Vette, you should just grin and bear it... you know you should.

Everyone's afraid of medical procedures, at least a little bit... but most of them are glad they've had it done afterwards.
Thats true.. I've had cameras stuck where cameras shouldn't be stuck... Up the ... you get a 10mg IV valium shot.. nice dreamy trip..problem is the Co2 they use to inflate you to get a better look... hurts coming out..I tried to save it for my plants , but alas, my driver got the main event(tee hee).... Camera going down and they spray your throat with a coke ether tasting numb juice... no sweat.......


Well-Known Member
good morning ph03nix. :hug:

So how is everyone's "bowl o' chronic" this morning..bongsmilie

Im smoking some white rhino, and hash:weed:....hopefully I will go back to sleep.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Thats true.. I've had cameras stuck where cameras shouldn't be stuck... Up the ... you get a 10mg IV valium shot.. nice dreamy trip..problem is the Co2 they use to inflate you to get a better look... hurts coming out..I tried to save it for my plants , but alas, my driver got the main event(tee hee).... Camera going down and they spray your throat with a coke ether tasting numb juice... no sweat.......
I've never really had much of a problem... but I'm a big sook... 'ow, my toe's broken... waaah'. I'd rather fix the fault and forget about it.

good morning ph03nix. :hug:

So how is everyone's "bowl o' chronic" this morning..bongsmilie

Im smoking some white rhino, and hash:weed:....hopefully I will go back to sleep.:sleep:
:hug: Nice and full, thank you... :weed:


Well-Known Member
Burnin some resin, but it ain't doin much good.

How the holy hell do I post a youtube video?
Blech!! I hate that... I'd gladly give you some if I could puff. We've got some nice big chunky red hairy stuff (??) at the mo. :hug:

Copy the embed thingy over the right of the video. Paste that into your reply and then surround it with [ youtube ] at the front and [ /youtube ] at the end.

:hug: (take the spaces out of the brackets though.)


Well-Known Member
Hi Puff,
This is Gryphonn channelling through ph03nix again...

1: On the Youtube page that you want to link to, there are two options on the right of the video (usually). One is 'URL', the other 'embed'. You want to copy the 'embed' code. Click in the window with the code and copy it (CTRL + C when the text is hilighted).

2: In the reply to the post in RIU, paste the code in. It should look something like this:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/KuUy6tuyBw0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/KuUy6tuyBw0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

3: At the start of the embed code, type youtube and surround it in square brackets [ ]. At the end of the embed code, repeat the youtube in brackets, but put a slash / in front of 'youtube'.

Now, preview the post and it should show the video...

Some videos won't work if embedding is disabled.