Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I've been with Gryph for over 5 years, and I'm still crazy, crazy about him. I'm so lucky!

And so are you guys... go and kiss your lady, Vette. Do it right now.

I wish ,, She is downstairs entertaining her sister in law ............... A kiss always leads to getting naked ,, I dont think that would be a good thing right now .


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1835401]damn this bubba kush got me high as a mutha :cuss: bongsmilie :eyesmoke: :leaf:[/quote]

a MUTHA .. How high do they get ?

Just messing with you sicc


Well-Known Member
haha, for some reason, if i get high enough or smoke a strong kush/indica, it makex my jaw hurt, idk what it is


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1835401]damn this bubba kush got me high as a mutha :cuss: bongsmilie :eyesmoke: :leaf:[/quote]ooo thats awesome..Im growing bubba kush right now..and the three clones I pulled have shown roots!!!

cant wait to smoke it!


Well-Known Member
Hellooo?????? Is anyone there?? Oh no, this is scary.

Times are cocked up again...

Not that I'm complaining...


Well-Known Member
Hello, hello, hello, ello, ello, llo, llo, lo, lo.....

The hallways of Wake and Bake are echoing... they're dark and foreboding with everyone gone... the wind is whistling through the windows... what's that... *ping* ... oh, that was only a pin dropping. Where is everyone??? Could it be possible that they ALL got lost? Or... ... did I fall into an alternate realm where there IS no one else??...

Oh Twisty... Vette and China... Smokey... Chiceh... Hester... ... ...Why??... Why has this happened???

WHYYYYYY?????? YYYYY, YYYY, yyyy, yyyy, yy, yy???


New Member
Mornin sunshines.... foggy here and 61 deg. brrrr. :lol:

So I go down to the one and only store within 25 miles of my properties and Shan the owner (from Ceylon, he is superkewl) informs me he is out of gauzes. A thousand pardons he says with a sly smile. He knows he can have fun with me.... :lol: So, I'm twisting this morning.....:sad:

Waiting on the sun to try and snap a few good pics....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Korvette, CrackerJax... :hug: :hug: Oh man, I'm glad to see you two. :o What happened to everyone? I've been wandering around for ages, and apart from Wikid, you two are the first I've found.

I'm so glad you didn't disappear into a vortex... :shock: :-P


New Member
BWIP *^*(&%& I'm back from the Vortex :lol: Hey PH..... oh it's vaca time for some and back to work for others AFTER a vaca, which means they are walking around in a hazey daze with one finger unaccounted for, and no cap on the toothpaste. It's MONDAY after a HOLIDAY :lol:


out. :blsmoke:


New Member
There is something about the 40's that is very nice. Good snap in the air but still fairly friendly. Almost a small promisory note from nature that she won't f*ck with you too badly on that day. Take it all in....it's the 40's......walkin weather.

out. :blsmoke: