Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

So great! Awww, yesterday ended really nicely!
And I have bacon today!!! How are you?

I just figured out it's not Sunday. That explains the newspaper this morning o_O

It's in the 50's outdoors again. Did I fall asleep for a few months? Is it Spring???

Yea, I wish.

Everyone got their resolutions all planned out ? :lol: I should be buying a fitbit!

I think my resolution needs to be to find a good shoulder replacement surgeon, and get er done !!

Break out the new calendars kiddos!!
Good morning! I hope everyone's new year is going well so far. I dragged myself out of bed about an hour ago and did 30 minutes of yoga with the gf. I'm starting to feel my age and she wants to stay limber for sex so that's our new year's resolution.
Yoga is the ticket! We shoot for 3-30min session per week. The benefits for mind and body are truly immeasurable.