Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
My mom, 74, was at my place and we had some “pot brownies” made…they were pretty strong, ya know. So the backstory is she has not done any cannabis anything since college but wanted to “try it”. So we cut about a 1/10th piece off and she ate it. Then we had some neighbors come over so we were outside and she was just chilling on the couch. When we came back in she had raided the pan and ate the entire rest of the one piece and about half of another. Holy fuck. She slept for like 15 hrs and was still buzzed. I guess I need to be more careful lol but she is fine now.


Well-Known Member
I got woke up to a propane delivery before 7 am. Got up, turned the outside lights on for them, and went back to bed.

Probably should hit the grocery store today...Got the traditional call from dad last night...."so what are "we" doing for Christmas?" He always waits til about 2-3 day before any holidays and then calls....and ALWAYS forgets to hang up the phone so there's a 3 minute message of his TV blaring. Or worse! My bro and him have been fighting so I may tell them both to pound salt!

Feeling fluish. Might binge Yellow Jackets and dab in bed!!
Rest, dabs, and chicken soup....It could very well be Covid. It's raging bad here! Feel better soon!!


Well-Known Member
I think I figured out why the dog ate my seedlings, probably had rib roast fingers when I admired the plants.
It can't be a coincidence, he probably thought I hid a bone there after pulling this out of the oven.
.View attachment 5051646
That looks delicious. The dog is definitely onto you, lol

I hit up Shaws in Bangor yesterday hoping to find a couple of rib roasts. Nadda one to be found. Last year I bought 2 @ 5.99lb and divided them up for later use but I think those ones came from Shop n Save.
I'm going on the hunt again today. Hopefully I can find at least one for dinner tomorrow.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Nope. No wednesdays for me unless summoned specially. Thursday is my "mon"day! Packing boxes and hanging with my pups today!

Anyone up to anything fun?
Oh I thought it was Monday and Tuesday were you days off. Packing over christmas, I don't envy you.

I have to wrap presents today and go to burlington to get my secret santa gift... very excited. We're going to my sister's for christmas dinner tomorrow, staying the night then coming back Friday morning. My partner's gifts for her parents have gone missing somewhere between here and Poland lol karma bitches.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
They are going to pop!! :D

I fired my RO system up last night and I am changing my water here shortly!! Paranoid! And I'm going back to RO water. My last crop was my worst ever, except for my powdery mildew incident.
I think you're right. I dunno, I just expected everything to be faster.

I wish RO wasn't so wasteful. So far so good with tap water for me.


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone...hope all is good.....yes i'm good from the bob and weave session i had last night with that cup...still too funny...wife loves it btw and it got christened last night too....little lightning...

woke up this morning to a mild 48F and a dew on the ground......high today 74F and sunny

just started a fresh pot....warm up will be ready soon....

we already had a customer....and they were kind enough to drop off some tamales...so i'm gonna to attack a few of those for breakfast....


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Oh I thought it was Monday and Tuesday were you days off. Packing over christmas, I don't envy you.

I have to wrap presents today and go to burlington to get my secret santa gift... very excited. We're going to my sister's for christmas dinner tomorrow, staying the night then coming back Friday morning. My partner's gifts for her parents have gone missing somewhere between here and Poland lol karma bitches.
I am 4 days on in a row, and bits of tuesday, yeah.

o_O missing gifts is annoying, what did you buy from poland? My little joint roller is stuck somewhere in New York, lol. Whenever I wrap anything it ends up looking like a reason not to give scissors to someone with no attention span. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Who me? I told him to go easy......

Fine line between heaven and hell bongsmilie :fire:
y do i get the feeling he didn't go easy

i was gonna say this last night before the bob and weave session...

i had a friend like that too...sitting on the porch me and another guy made a salad with 3 different breeds, i told him it's gonna kick in soon when we start smoking, he lite it up took a few puffs, handed it to me for a few and we passed in between each other...after it was done, i got up grab another cold one, he got up....well let put it this way....he was done....i had him sit on the porch with some gatorade before he went home...poor guy