Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

My little Ranch house sale is progressing, and my buddy that lives there is starting to panic, and it's all my fault...I'm the big asshole that's forcing him out.

He forgets that I found the house, bought the house with my money, I renovated the house with my time and money, and I let him live there for taxes & insurance, which is about $1,000 a month LESS than rent would be, for the past 40 months, and he's going to put 30k in his pocket at the sale. This is someone who had nothing that I did a huge favor for, and I'm an asshole for "forcing" him to be homeless. Oh, we were supposed to sell spring of 2020 but postponed due to Covid, so he got an extra year and a half in the house.

:cry: People suck! You don't need someone like that in your life.

I'm feeling weird this morning, I'm gonna miss that house. Lived there my entire childhood. My dad renovated it when I was five so I could have a larger bedroom. It was sweet as a teenager. They were all on the second floor and my room was on the main floor. I could sneak in and out without ever being caught.
Just because
:cry: People suck! You don't need someone like that in your life.

I'm feeling weird this morning, I'm gonna miss that house. Lived there my entire childhood. My dad renovated it when I was five so I could have a larger bedroom. It was sweet as a teenager. They were all on the second floor and my room was on the main floor. I could sneak in and out without ever being caught.
The old saying "When people show you who they are the first time believe them." It is soooo true!
Yes she's been there since August. My sister's maternity leave is over in February so mom is going to be her live in nanny.
That will be good for her!! And your sis! And you :lol:
funkiller huh........

borrowed that from here.

borrowed that from here.

yeah i read that there too......

think from all the years i've known cannibeer he's always been puntastic.....
That's a really good question. She was always mom's favourite and they're getting along well now but who knows. Your family is probably very similar. Once one parent passes one of the kids has to take the other parent in.
Kinda yeah. Mom moved here 7 yrs ago; I put up a mobile home for her. My sis lives in HA so I got mom when she got too old to fend for herself, she's 93 now.
Kinda yeah. Mom moved here 7 yrs ago; I put up a mobile home for her. My sis lives in HA so I got mom when she got too old to fend for herself, she's 93 now.

How has it been for you? Their place is a small house and she doesn't have any place of her own to get away from it all. She should have moved in with us. We have a spare bedroom and a finished basement that we could have made into an area just for her.