Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

More goth?
There's one real good mill near here that does cider and fresh donuts and Candy apples daily, and you can watch them make everything. The place has been around since I was a little kid but it's gotten outrageously expensive, like everything, but I usually go once a year and inhale a couple donuts right in the parking lot
Can I like…visit you and relive a tiny portion of my childhood?
Thankfully over! I got to watch airplanes arrive at Burbank for a bit. It's nice to home. Thanks for asking. How's the wine?
I'm whiskey tipsy (Who said wine? is bourbon technically wine? am I dumb? it's okay to say yes) with the dogs in a pile. I am having a wonderful night. Sorry to hear the journey to relaxing was long. Do you like watching the skies, do you have a set of binoculars or a telescope?