Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
And yup. A bad trip ruins it.
I got the shit beat out of me when I was 18yo in front of the Black Watch in Los Gatos. 3 way older guys kicked the living shit out of me. My face included. I was going to the Big Island for spring break(i graduated 17yo). 7 days from when i got beat up. I pulled stitches out of my face right before the flight. The whole 2 weeks i was there i felt like Sloth from Goonies
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Anyways. Just a few days in we went camping down in Waipio valley, really killer place. I had sent off a whole bunch of hits to My buddy there before hand. My buddy busted out the hits and I was like nah brah. I’m good. But nope. He convinced me to.
That fucked up late afternoon pretty much ruined it for me from then on everytime i’d dose :-(
That sucks brother.
The worst trip I ever had was when the moon wouldn’t quit following me.
Probably did about 250 hits in a two year span.
I’m too nutty now to trip. My meds would stop it, I feel like I’m always tripping these days :hug:


Well-Known Member
And yup. A bad trip ruins it.
I got the shit beat out of me when I was 18yo in front of the Black Watch in Los Gatos. 3 way older guys kicked the living shit out of me. My face included. I was going to the Big Island for spring break(i graduated 17yo). 7 days from when i got beat up. I pulled stitches out of my face right before the flight. The whole 2 weeks i was there i felt like Sloth from Goonies
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Anyways. Just a few days in we went camping down in Waipio valley, really killer place. I had sent off a whole bunch of hits to My buddy there before hand. My buddy busted out the hits and I was like nah brah. I’m good. But nope. He convinced me to.
That fucked up late afternoon pretty much ruined it for me from then on everytime i’d dose :-(
Yeah, once you have a bad trip they all seem to go that way. Because of that, I'll never try anything that will make me hallucinate. I'm afraid of the bad trip now.
I'll stick to smoking herb. If I need an extra twist I'll throw a little drink in the mix for a solid cross fade.



Well-Known Member
That sucks brother.
The worst trip I ever had was when the moon wouldn’t quit following me.
Probably did about 250 hits in a two year span.
I’m too nutty now to trip. My meds would stop it, I feel like I’m always tripping these days :hug:
Yeah, no more dosing for me anymore. I’ll shroom once in a while. Did allot of that when younger too.
That same buddy in HI, i used to keep him supplied with acid. Pretty sure if you went to UH Hilo back then and did acid, it very well could have been from me :-D
Anyways, he for years would send me shroom honey. Like a whole jar full! 1tsp would be like eating at least a couple grams, and was way easier on the tummy.

Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
Yeah, no more dosing for me anymore. I’ll shroom once in a while. Did allot of that when younger too.
That same buddy in HI, i used to keep him supplied with acid. Pretty sure if you went to UH Hilo back then and did acid, it very well could have been from me :-D
Anyways, he for years would send me shroom honey. Like a whole jar full! 1tsp would be like eating at least a couple grams, and was way easier on the tummy.
We used to pick them and once I just flick the cow poop off and put it on a potato chip and down the hatch bongsmilie

Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
Yeah, no more dosing for me anymore. I’ll shroom once in a while. Did allot of that when younger too.
That same buddy in HI, i used to keep him supplied with acid. Pretty sure if you went to UH Hilo back then and did acid, it very well could have been from me :-D
Anyways, he for years would send me shroom honey. Like a whole jar full! 1tsp would be like eating at least a couple grams, and was way easier on the tummy.
I guess I do dose on thc. A couple of dabs and I’ve forgotten where the wife went.