Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
It wasn't that rantish, because it's the truth. All my pets are either spayed or neutered and they are happier for it. It's better for everyone.

I hate when people go out and buy a dog with papers and decide "hey, I'm going to be a breeder" that really can screw up bloodlines. I've known so many retards that do that shit, "hey I'm a gonna sell some puppies and get rich" dumbasses.

I had a dog with papers once, and guess what, he took his trip to the vet too, people would say "he's a purebred dog and you neutered him? wtf" Well yes I did, I wanted a pet, I had no interest in trying to breed him. He was a good boy too, I miss him. (RIP at the age of 15)
I have been breeding border collies for 8 years, in 8 years I have had 9 litters. I am real picky about who I sell them to. pups go for $250 and an 18 month trained herder goes for $1800. you really can't spay and neuter a herding dog, they are not aggressive enough to herd. my daughter breeds yorkie poos and she spays and neuters them before she sells them and people sometimes don't want a puppy that has already been spayed.


Well-Known Member
That is very true, alot of people don't realise that. Neutering a 'working dog' affects his ability to work, the males anyhow. Who wants to herd sheep when you don't even wanna lick your balls anymore? Poor things.


Well-Known Member
I have been breeding border collies for 8 years, in 8 years I have had 9 litters. I am real picky about who I sell them to. pups go for $250 and an 18 month trained herder goes for $1800. you really can't spay and neuter a herding dog, they are not aggressive enough to herd. my daughter breeds yorkie poos and she spays and neuters them before she sells them and people sometimes don't want a puppy that has already been spayed.
And that is all good. Unfortunately though, there are so many people that think this is just a way to make a quick buck....those are the ones that need to pushed out. I know a lot of reputable breeders and they have a true love for what they do. It is the bad apples that make it so bad. They need to be regulated a lot more than what they are. I say this only for the dog world...the bird world is different. I believe breeding Parrots should be banned in the US....


New Member
That is very true, alot of people don't realise that. Neutering a 'working dog' affects his ability to work, the males anyhow. Who wants to herd sheep when you don't even wanna lick your balls anymore? Poor things.
oh they still want to lick those balls .... now finding them is a different matter :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
oh they still want to lick those balls .... now finding them is a different matter :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
2 guys are watching a dog lick his balls and 1 guy says, " I wish I could do that". the other guy says, " you better pet him first to make sure he is friendly"....


New Member
A classic !! :lol: well done!

A Mandarin Duck walks into a bar and the bartender says, "hey, Ive got a drink named after you".
The duck says, "you have a drink named Fred"?
(long pause)
"No", says the bartender, "it's called a mandarin".
"oh okay" says the duck, "but I'm in a hurry so make it quack".

out. :blsmoke:

I am that bartender and he was delicious.


Well-Known Member
I have been breeding border collies for 8 years, in 8 years I have had 9 litters. I am real picky about who I sell them to. pups go for $250 and an 18 month trained herder goes for $1800. you really can't spay and neuter a herding dog, they are not aggressive enough to herd. my daughter breeds yorkie poos and she spays and neuters them before she sells them and people sometimes don't want a puppy that has already been spayed.

You mean these dogs ? My friend has a sheep farm they hold hearding trials there
