Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Yeah we're lucky..if not for it I'd have been living in a box about 7 surgeries ago.....
Yeah I hear you I owe at least 10K in medical bills. Insurance is bullshit too if they don't want to pay for a procedure, the hospital has to eat part of the cost. Of course if you don't have insurance the hospital will bill you for every penny.

I know social medicine is better b/c I recieved military dependent benefits when I was younger. Now I pay for private insurance and the quality of care is lower while the cost is MUCH higher.:spew:

Maybe I should move to Canada, got couch space twisty? :lol:


Well-Known Member
I have a Canadian friend. I took his sister to the hospital once and it was awesome. Nothing like a crappy american ER . . .
We have a pretty good public hospital system in Australia...well in Queensland, not sure what the other states do.
Basically it is free. You can take Private medical cover and use Private hosptals, but why bother when you get the same or better treatment in a free public hospital?
I spent six weeks in there once having 5 separate operations to remove MRSA infected bone from my femur. They used some highly restricted anti-biotics and lots of surgery time, but it was still all free. To top it off, the surgeon doing the work was a world leader in his field.


Well-Known Member
Morning Folks ,, Its 30 degree's outside and its gonna rain then Snow today.. Seems like a good day to stay in and do nothing,, well I'll do some laundry and try to get the tractor put away I wont be needing it till spring


Well-Known Member
1 hour and 52 minutes...better do another chop incase I smoke my last billy before then...bongsmilie

Morning you folks in the NY type time zone!!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I wish I could wake n bake today, could really use it. Oh well, I have to wait until later. Smoke on you guys and think of me with each hit, lol. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
We have a pretty good public hospital system in Australia...well in Queensland, not sure what the other states do.
Basically it is free. You can take Private medical cover and use Private hosptals, but why bother when you get the same or better treatment in a free public hospital?
I spent six weeks in there once having 5 separate operations to remove MRSA infected bone from my femur. They used some highly restricted anti-biotics and lots of surgery time, but it was still all free. To top it off, the surgeon doing the work was a world leader in his field.
Having had 3 hip jobs those sort of bone infections are common..not me though..I had a friend they took the joint out 3x and left his leg hang free till better... spooky stuff..

the ironic thing is the US spends more per person on healthcare than either england or canada...
Problem with US is the Drs. make all the $$..

Morning Folks ,, Its 30 degree's outside and its gonna rain then Snow today.. Seems like a good day to stay in and do nothing,, well I'll do some laundry and try to get the tractor put away I wont be needing it till spring
Morning all... might get crappy here too..


Well-Known Member
Having had 3 hip jobs those sort of bone infections are common..not me though..I had a friend they took the joint out 3x and left his leg hang free till better... spooky stuff..

Problem with US is the Drs. make all the $$..

Morning all... might get crappy here too..
China Has one of those Cpap machines..LOL