Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Goooood Mooooooorning RIU. Wake n Bake it's Sunday AM here in NYC and yes of course it's fecking windy so no start gazing again. Hmmmmm, guess I'm gonna put on the thinking cap later and try to see if I can setup the scope in the truck, and point it out the moon roof. OK, that's later, now I'm gonna toke toke and more toke. Talk at ya'all later, it's Dinky Donuts time.


Well-Known Member
6:45 am here Just coffee and smokes for now that kids are still here ,And Im not going outside its tooo cold .

The kids go home today , Its suppose to snow then rain all afternoon so I'll be dropping them off at Noon ,, at 1pm I'll be home and getting stoned


Active Member
wake n bake is the only way man!
i always bake in the morning.. it makes the rest of the day so much better and sometimes even longer:blsmoke:
I usually just bake and watch stoner movies on this site, it has most of them... so you can enjoy watching and bakin while wakin'bongsmilie
its worth checkin out..




New Member
Wakin n bakin.... Can I take the heat? Damn right i can take the heat. 3 days before Thanksgiving with 14 ppl coming, I canceled it!!! I CAN TAKE THE HEAT.... :mrgreen:

Now the fallout is something else..... :lol:

out. :blsmoke: