Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
It's a wee bit chilly today. But nothing a little wake n bake can't take care of, lol .:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hahaha....yea is Kanader eh...and its that time of year...we have been very fortunate with a rather mild fall so far....Sunday is supposed to get colder again


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
hahaha....yea is Kanader eh...and its that time of year...we have been very fortunate with a rather mild fall so far....Sunday is supposed to get colder again
It has already snowed here, lol. I am not ready for it yet, lol. My gardens outside are not ready either. Lots of work to do this weekend. Hubby has to put up the x-mas lights, lol.


Well-Known Member
yup certainly getting that close again eh, I mean the pumpkin get put away and the lights go up. I'm looking forward to christmas again....it so much fun with kids....get to be a kid all over again....


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
yup certainly getting that close again eh, I mean the pumpkin get put away and the lights go up. I'm looking forward to christmas again....it so much fun with kids....get to be a kid all over again....
I love x-mas for my daughter and neices and nefews. It is fun, but do they really have to start shoving it down our throats as soon as halloween is over, I mean even the week of halloween ,there was x-mas shit in the stores. If they didn't do that there would be so much hype about all the stuff you need for x-mas. Frustrates me I guess eh? My 5 years watches some tv and all the commercials are geared for her, so she wants everything she sees, drives me nuts.


Well-Known Member
yea totally understand...the commericality of it all makes me wanna puke.....I know the world runs on profits and increased sales and blah blah blah...but I am glad that I can distance myself from it all too.


New Member
I've got my x-mas tree up already, lights, a few decorations. I'll add more when I can be bothered later. I have 3 kids all 3 and under though, they love it.

I've told my kids that santa claus is a burglar that steals off naughty kids to give to the good ones...


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I've got my x-mas tree up already, lights, a few decorations. I'll add more when I can be bothered later. I have 3 kids all 3 and under though, they love it.

I've told my kids that santa claus is a burglar that steals off naughty kids to give to the good ones...
I refuse to decorate until at least December. :peace:


Well-Known Member
HoLE waits patiently for an employee to arrive when it dons on him,,I could beat Chiceh to Wake n Bake today,,so I'm lighting now,,at 7:28 in the morning,,before work ;-(,,least I'm going buzzed ;-)) have a great wake n bake ppl

Keep on Growin


Dr High

Well-Known Member
have you guys ever smoked a joint while washing yourself in the shower?? i did it and it was good hahaha, watch out fo the water!! Peace:)