Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
We've got a beautiful day going here....with a high around 70f. Headed outdoors for some chores here soon!! I got quite a lot done yesterday, and hoping I can keep checking things off my "to do" list!!

Might try and sneak a bicycle ride in this afternoon!!
How can that even be possible how do you sneak one in you work for yourself do you not just curious ha ha ha


Well-Known Member
How can that even be possible how do you sneak one in you work for yourself do you not just curious ha ha ha
It's true I work for myself, but I have a evil conscience that expects me to do stuff....Not to mention I have guests coming for a cookout tomorrow and right now you can't even see the kitchen table there's so much stuff piled on it! And then there's food...They are expecting food too :lol:

Actually there's beer from the last time they were here so that is all I really need! And I have weed for me so that is all I need :blsmoke:

But instead of dealing with any of that,. I have been doing dabs, and puttering outdoors planting tomatoes, and next some flowers...So I am already "slackin".

I'm practicing for retirement, and I do say I think I'll be quite good at it!


Well-Known Member
It's true I work for myself, but I have a evil conscience that expects me to do stuff....Not to mention I have guests coming for a cookout tomorrow and right now you can't even see the kitchen table there's so much stuff piled on it! And then there's food...They are expecting food too :lol:

Actually there's beer from the last time they were here so that is all I really need! And I have weed for me so that is all I need :blsmoke:

But instead of dealing with any of that,. I have been doing dabs, and puttering outdoors planting tomatoes, and next some flowers...So I am already "slackin".

I'm practicing for retirement, and I do say I think I'll be quite good at it!
I give you a month before you go crazy

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
It's true I work for myself, but I have a evil conscience that expects me to do stuff....Not to mention I have guests coming for a cookout tomorrow and right now you can't even see the kitchen table there's so much stuff piled on it! And then there's food...They are expecting food too :lol:

Actually there's beer from the last time they were here so that is all I really need! And I have weed for me so that is all I need :blsmoke:

But instead of dealing with any of that,. I have been doing dabs, and puttering outdoors planting tomatoes, and next some flowers...So I am already "slackin".

I'm practicing for retirement, and I do say I think I'll be quite good at it!
it's a cookout..you don't need a kitchen table....throw some burgers and kosher hotdogs on the grill, buy a few tubs of marketplace square potato salad and coleslaw, a big bowl of ruffles with some dip...god damnit, now i'm hungry, if you want to make the women happy buy some nasty zuchini and a yellow squash, slice it and grill it too, even though 90% of it will end up in the trash