So the announcement was that province, feds and private sector are working together to build a facility to make vaccines. Woohoo! oh wait it's for flu vaccines?

Clowns all of them... who cares about the flu vaccine right now?
He's making another announcement tomorrow. I'm still convinced a larger lockdown is probably needed and coming.
Less than 24 hours after warning that he wouldn't hesitate to "lock things down" again in response to fast-rising cases of COVID-19, Ontari…
"Stay tuned," said Ford to reporters following a press conference on Wednesday. "You'll hear an announcement tomorrow."
Stay tuned... Who would say that when you have people's lives and livelihood in your hands? He has the empathy of a cockroach, this isn't a game with cliffhangers. Only a psychopath would behave this way.
I'm so tired of being lectured to by a piece of trash from a crackhead family. Ontario deserves everything it's getting for voting for him. We're the Florida of Canada thanks to him.
Long before the current controversy at Toronto City Hall, The Globe and Mail set out to trace the Ford brothers’ rise to prominence. Reporters found the Mayor’s siblings have former ties to drug trafficking, a charge of physical assault and other brushes with the law