Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
19 degrees, tiny bits of snow swirling around, giant jug of hazelnut cream coffee and rocking out to Rival Sons while baking on some tasty blueberry.

May you all have a great weekend!



Well-Known Member
Morning all!

Suppose to rain all day, and I have a tent full of headband to trim, time for me to get comfortable..


match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. We have a light dusting of snow today. The first trace of snow this winter I think. I picked up some more plush berry yesterday so plush and coffee to start the day. I'm going to help someone paint there basement today. Then theOlympics. You all have a great Saturday.


Well-Known Member
*Gus! Gus, can i ask you a question? Come here, let me ask you a question, Gus? Gus, let me ask you a question. Gus, why's the fire so big? Why did you made the fire so big, Gus? Look at this shit. It's a motherfuckin ridiculous, Gus. The fire's too motherfuckin big! Why? You come over every motherfuckin years, Gus and you burned down my motherfuckin backyard. WHY? I'm cookin motherfuckin hamburgers and franks! I'm not cookin the motherfuckin brontosaurus burger in this motherfucker. This ain't the motherfuckin Flinstones, Gus. It's my HOUSE, motherfucker! Look at Charlie standing over there with third degree burns on him, eatin a motherfuckin frank. It doesn't make. No, you take things too far, Gus. You take things too far. I tell you to an inch, you go three inches. I tell you four inches, you go five. Give a nigger a rope like them cowboys, Gus. Why dont you listen?


match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning or I guess I should say good after noon. We got an inch of snow last night. I think that's going to do it for this year. With the hills here an inch of snow can shut the whole city of Seattle down. Plush berry and coffee and now more plush berry. Enjoy your Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Good morning! Today's musical selection brought to you by Pandora, morning sex and molta.

It's a beautiful top down day. Life's upside down right now, but we'll reign that bitch back in again.


Well-Known Member
Good morning!

Hope everyone had a great weekend, I see the server has been upgraded here...and Annie is apparently still on like strike?.:-P

This is repeat, but an old one...think it was the very first vid I posted in this thread 2,000 or so pages back.

Stay high...always!



Virtually Unknown Member
love me zome zep, can't get enough. Morning RIU friends -2F, bright twinkly sun. Time for some hash. Hey, where are you MB?



Well-Known Member
Morning all!

Overheard on the news that it's National Bakin Week, that should put a smile on your face.

Now show your support!

match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. Plush berry and coffee. It's been a very difficult couple of days. My daughter and I are going to have lunch today and talk about her step father being in her wedding. There is also the added stress of my ex wife contesting the settlement she has till Friday and then if she doesn't a week later I will have the settlement. This Friday is also my daughters birthday she will be 32. Walking her down the isle at her wedding has been something I've planned from the time she was born almost.
Ok you all have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Coffee, counting down to the move, and a couple spliffs, I'm ready to go. Off to a boss lady's acquaintance, the sheriff, so I can fix my exhaust.


match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. Jilly bean and coffee to start the day.
My daughter and I had a great talk yesterday at lunch. She was willing to have her step father step out of the wedding but BB had suggested that we both walk her down the isle. That is what we are going to do but when the minister asks who gives this woman to this man it's going to be me saying her mother and I do. That will be my last act as her father.
You all have a great day.