Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Morning bakers, Mojo's radio going to spin a tune for you today and I know you've heard it before, but probably never heard this version...just a bit before Zeppelin

I believe when Robert Plant was playing harmonica in "Levee" he was channeling Sonny Boy. Delta blues artists were a huge influence for zeppelin as well as the stones and beatles. here's another great one from the delta
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to MojoRison again.


Well-Known Member
Good morning RIU! Road trip today, gonna be a long one. :leaf::peace::leaf:



Well-Known Member
well it's Monday and I have to go to town. no problem, I'll smoke a sativa put a samba on the cd and roll. :blsmoke:
It does make me think of this song though...haven't heard it in a coon's age.
have a superlative day everyone