Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Favorite CD hands down. The entire CD is one big flowing song and is just amazing. I cant find the whole CD on Youtube though.... but there are a few.....



Well-Known Member
3am.. Roxy and Dillon start barking up a freaking storm (one is inside the other outside)... I cant do anything as I am in the tub soaking... everyone is asleep... all I can do is making a certain sound (kinda a kiss whistle) to shut them up from the tub...
been a ridiculous morning so far..

soak interrupted = 3 cookies.. and now I am gonna head out and toke.. and stare at the big dipper for awhile... maybe then I will wake up the sleeping dogs just for spite..


Well-Known Member
happy valentines day pot heads


Well-Known Member
Good Jane thats what Im waking up to.


BTW I got one of my pictures into High Times current issue... just thought Id share....



Well-Known Member
RIU is too much for me now lol. So many threads and posts.. At least this thread is safe.. It's like base lol.

Safety zone... safety dance time :lol:

(freaky ass video)

Oh and good morning, just got back from work and the first thing I did was load a bowl. :)


Well-Known Member
had some headband chem jack mix this am about 4:30 ... making some canna caps now using about 15gs strawberry queen and olive oil