Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
This is my favorite time of day, hubby is at work. Daughter is at work. Son is never in town this early for work. I get to be home alone. Just me and the critters, who just ate and now they're too lazy to pester me).


New Member
Does it have a strawberry taste to it? I got to smoke some stuff last weekend that tasted fruity and sweet, I'd have loved to have gotten a hold of a seed from that.


Well-Known Member
Wake and bake bongsmilie Sunny, I"m sorry you are sick, that totally sucks. I wish you were closer, I'd come take care of you.
Thanks Miss, nice of you:)
I will live, I just got back from the doctors. Funny, you can't run around doing a million things and worry at the same time, atleast according to him I can't...I have the flu and I am just runned down. I have some imitrol and once I get a handle on the nausea I am going to start drinking ensure to put some pounds on...I hate being sick.

Does anyone else not feel the effects of getting stoned when they are sick?
I swear it is not working for me today. I am a trooper, I will keep trying.:weed:


Well-Known Member
No plans yet ,, Well other than needing to start putting shit away in the garage and getting the outside ready for winter,next week we have decent weather coming,I might be able to get a coat or two of stain on the house.
Just wishing spring was closer.. Im waiting for June ,Bonnaroo 09 You should go Twisty .Start saving:hump::joint:
That would be a scream.... I love a good boogie....
Morning everyone.

Wake n Bake...not even worth it for me today, I am sick...
but for the rest of you.....bongsmilie
God who knows what is wrong with me...I know I don't. I have to have blood work done every month to monitor my cancer count (CA125) My doc called Monday and told me my white blood cells are elevated which means I am fighting something....last night it hit, vomiting all night long...I feel weak. I knew my weight was dropping but I thought it was from stress...maybe I have the flu...I am going back to the docs today, he will straighten my ass out. I hope.
I would love some chicken soup, I don't think I could keep it down though:(
Thanks Miss, nice of you:)
I will live, I just got back from the doctors. Funny, you can't run around doing a million things and worry at the same time, atleast according to him I can't...I have the flu and I am just runned down. I have some imitrol and once I get a handle on the nausea I am going to start drinking ensure to put some pounds on...I hate being sick.
Does anyone else not feel the effects of getting stoned when they are sick?
I swear it is not working for me today. I am a trooper, I will keep trying.:weed:
Sorry about the plague thing..with my COPD I get hit hard too... Have you ever gotten the influenza shots, ?? they work real well..you should get one.... as for the getting stoned I know sometimes you don't "feel" the stone but in me it helps me keep some appetite to help get better...:hug::hug::hug:


Well-Known Member
That would be a scream.... I love a good boogie....


Sorry about the plague thing..with my COPD I get hit hard too... Have you ever gotten the influenza shots, ?? they work real well..you should get one.... as for the getting stoned I know sometimes you don't "feel" the stone but in me it helps me keep some appetite to help get better...:hug::hug::hug:
I had to google COPD. That is some serious stuff there Twisty. Sorry to hear you have that.
I got the flu shot every year!! Do you think I did that this year? Nope! I thought, 'who needs em' That will teach me.
Thanks for the hugs, I will take them right back to bed with me! That is where I am going, I am going to sleep this shit off.
Nite guys.


New Member
Vette, I'm in IL, so I'm pretty far from Mansfield OH :)

I don't get all that stoned when I'm sick either. I usually only smoke a hit or 2 to settle my stomach down. Fluids and rest and some big fat bongs and you should be good !!!


New Member
No problem, Have you ever looked up Waverly Place in Louisville Ky? It's a haunted sanitorium. I want to go there for a night tour someday. I used to have a link to a website, but it's not working anymore.