Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Wake and bake, work break and bake, lunch bake, before surf bake, before dinner bake, before bed bake.... Im equally in love with them all


New Member

Would anyone like a hot, crumbly, mint chocolaty brownie with big nuts for breakfast?

Could I interest anyone in a steaming stack of waffles slathered with butter and blueberry Cannasyrup?

How about a frothy, yummy Kup Of Karma?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
woke up an hour ago and taking my first puff, gotta love them wake and bakes! puts you in the right frame of mind to go out and conquer the world! bongsmilie x 2, cause that's how I roll:eyesmoke:


New Member

especially when there is the chocolaty aroma of freshly baked goodies lingering in the air mixed with a steaming mug of freshly roasted and brewed java.

The funny stuff is all good too.