Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Hi miss.... Smoke hunting, bike riding......... not much else....... Still too cold to do my outside balcony clean... maybe today...


Well-Known Member
China is going on a mission for the 50% off Easter Candy ..

We need to have a few baskets here for my kids next week.

Im tilling today too.. And later im chopping the girls . My GDP seed Poped and is doing very good . I have a few Santa Berry seeeds too.. Its going to be a good summer I have great gentics No more playing around ..


Well-Known Member
morning...im getting stoned and going to work. ive worked the last two weeks and im booked for the next 2 1/2....god i love when winter is finally over!


Well-Known Member
G'Day all... nice and Sunny here....
G'day Twisty. How the fuck are ya?

China is going on a mission for the 50% off Easter Candy ..

We need to have a few baskets here for my kids next week.
Hey, me too. I'm going shopping for easter bargains tomorrow. We had to put the kids off for a few days... but they didn't go without chocolate. They have other family members who like to spoil them.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Did someone say candy? It wasn't me that ate it all, lol. Damn this candy is so good, I may have to get some more on sale too, lol. :)


Well-Known Member
They say that a bit of chocolate every day is good for you... if that's true I'm probably good for a year or so yet...


Well-Known Member
China is going on a mission for the 50% off Easter Candy ..

We need to have a few baskets here for my kids next week.

Im tilling today too.. And later im chopping the girls . My GDP seed Poped and is doing very good . I have a few Santa Berry seeeds too.. Its going to be a good summer I have great gentics No more playing around ..
I know... no more bagbeans this year... Now I should get to try all the plant problems know to the plant world...... Hows that for optimism.......:dunce:

G'day Twisty. How the fuck are ya?

Hey, me too. I'm going shopping for easter bargains tomorrow. We had to put the kids off for a few days... but they didn't go without chocolate. They have other family members who like to spoil them.
Hi Ph03nix. nice to have you around a bit more......;-)

Did someone say candy? It wasn't me that ate it all, lol. Damn this candy is so good, I may have to get some more on sale too, lol. :)
Got to watch which you buy.. some candy is pretty grim.. not like the old day stuff...... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
And She is off.. her brothers wife forgot her purse here yesterday ( how can you forget something you take everywhere ) So China is meeting her brother 1/2 way ( a good hr away) BUT right where they are meeting is a HUGE mall. So I expect here to come home with the Subaru stuffed to the gills ..(the girl loves to shop) Oh well I'll be right here waiting for her to help carry the bags ..

Cheers , Bong rips of Hijack