Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Other than the CO2, kids can get all those things from regular houseplants too. :wall: Fucking dipshit cops...............
I agree with that, I didn't grow until mine were adults, it's just the stupid things they whip out as "bad" like mold for instance, anyone with any houseplants at all will have to deal with some types of mold in the soil.

It's just the way they state these things, like it only is possible with pot that irritates me. Regular houseplants can get spidermites too, and they use nutes, and they exhale co2 ...................
Its all an amount thing... most people aren't growing 30++++ plants.... or if you think of a 10 x 10' grow room, and how many/much of the mentioned problems.... my friends kids grew well.... once the mites cleared up, and their nute burn was solved....... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I am at the airport, I think they would frown at me firing one up here! Bunch of uptight assholes here....:sad:
Next time make some pot tea and put in a water pistol..and spray everyone around that you can at the airport.... let the dogs fuck with them.... just don't get caught with water pistol.. or pot will be the least of your issues....


Well-Known Member
Morning CJ....I just can't wait for the day I get to leave and not come back! A few more weeks and my relationship with FloriDUH will be nothing but a distant memory....I can't wait. My son told me it is cold cold in Fl. today! He said I won't be able to tell the difference btwn. Md. and Fl.....I guess there is a cold front.


Well-Known Member
Next time make some pot tea and put in a water pistol..and spray everyone around that you can at the airport.... let the dogs fuck with them.... just don't get caught with water pistol.. or pot will be the least of your issues....
Lol Twisty! I have a water bottle I use on the birds and sometimes my kids, lol...I should of brought it with me. There are few here that deserve a squirt!


Well-Known Member
I hate flying too....I really wanted to stay here a few more days to take care of some stuff...But, my kid called me yesterday and he was all pissed off because I didn't tell him that there was going to be a home inspection done on the house....Well, I didn't know either! No one told me!! So, I gotta to get home and see WTF went down while I was gone.

Miss I am in Md. and I am going back to Fl.


New Member
Morning CJ....I just can't wait for the day I get to leave and not come back! A few more weeks and my relationship with FloriDUH will be nothing but a distant memory....I can't wait. My son told me it is cold cold in Fl. today! He said I won't be able to tell the difference btwn. Md. and Fl.....I guess there is a cold front.
Yeah, I woke up this morning and saw my breath!! Lawdy... but still it will be a fond memory this coming August (bleh).

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I dont like flying ....
I dont like being powerless over a situation
When I've flown all my friends always laugh at how white I turn at every bump......
not a fan of heights... it took me a few weeks before I could lean over my balcony.. and thats only 4 floors up....
I think that happened after I was playing Tarzan as a kid in a tree about 60' up and dove to grab a big branch... missed and grabbed a twig.... and twisty Dumpty fall down and went boom... well,.. more a resounding splat...!!! landed with my head at a tilt (luckly) and broke my collar bone instead of neck.......


New Member
When I've flown all my friends always laugh at how white I turn at every bump......
not a fan of heights... it took me a few weeks before I could lean over my balcony.. and thats only 4 floors up....
I think that happened after I was playing Tarzan as a kid in a tree about 60' up and dove to grab a big branch... missed and grabbed a twig.... and twisty Dumpty fall down and went boom... well,.. more a resounding splat...!!! landed with my head at a tilt (luckly) and broke my collar bone instead of neck.......

ouch!! Luckily my parents were smart enough to not have my prehensile tail cut off at birth.

out. :blsmoke: