Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
you know the air tubes banks use at the drive thru? I think that would be a lot better than the internet. if we all had air tubes, if somebody needed a bud or some seeds...wooshhhhh......:lol:
It would create Jobs ..

You could send pipe bobs too.. I dont think it would work.. People are weird and like to kill..


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";2318863]haha yea NG towards the end he eats shit, and he starts to puke haha[/QUOTE]

That's the sport of it :lol: He should have smoked a few more bowls before going up there :lol:


Well-Known Member
So I took a ride around our property .. I spotted all kinds of signs of spring ,
This is part of the river on the end of our land

I spotted this too

I love it down here

The road in and out

Right over this hill is our house


Well-Known Member
my mount while going through the woods .. OUCH no shocks on this model

This is part of Tn. gas's pipeline

It goes for miles and off of it I spotted this.. I might put a few plants Inside this foundation this year

Its about a mile in from any road . pretty abandoned area