Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Ahhh, that makes sense. Everything I read out here is all good where vapes are concerned. I want to know the downsides before investing any kind of $$. Vette did have a link which I think I am going to try, it will be a way of trying it for cheaper...
Enjoy your holiday weekend!
I am going to work now, well, sort of:mrgreen::mrgreen::peace:
I didn't like the taste or the mellow buzz, lol. :mrgreen:bongsmilie:peace:
I just hope it comes with directions, lol. This is 'foreign' to me.

Why didn't you like it?

Its easy.. You gring your bud .(Between a 1/2 a gram and a gram) you turn on vape (I set mine at 400) put weed in end of whip.. when the temp reach's 400 you put the whip on the element and start to draw.. you'll see the smoke form in the ball and you just draw on it , i take it off and stir the weed a few times during smoking
That is good to know. They are a little intimidating for a person like me that hates change. I like the ebay link, I think I am going to try it.

Its easy.. You gring your bud .(Between a 1/2 a gram and a gram) you turn on vape (I set mine at 400) put weed in end of whip.. when the temp reach's 400 you put the whip on the element and start to draw.. you'll see the smoke form in the ball and you just draw on it , i take it off and stir the weed a few times during smoking
That is good to know. They are a little intimidating for a person like me that hates change. I like the ebay link, I think I am going to try it.

Good luck to you... That seller has good feedback, its a good thing.. I think you'll enjoy it , But ask if you can buy an extra whip. cause if the end breaks (its glass) you'll be hunting for a replacement, :mrgreen:
Ahhh, that makes sense. Everything I read out here is all good where vapes are concerned. I want to know the downsides before investing any kind of $$. Vette did have a link which I think I am going to try, it will be a way of trying it for cheaper...
Enjoy your holiday weekend!
I am going to work now, well, sort of:mrgreen::mrgreen::peace:

Sorry to hear you have to work, not me for 4 days woot woot! :mrgreen:bongsmilie:peace:
Lmfao, good one Twisty. :mrgreen:bongsmilie:peace:

Hi & thanks Chiceh..but its true... I've seen guys act tough, act Macho..even buy stupid gifts, but what I've noticed is that the ladies appreciate the stupid small stuff... dress up for wedding you don't even want to go to... Be nice to mother in law *shudders* PUT THE SEAT DOWN.... Go figure..:o

And yeah...kiss those spots she likes...behind neck, knees... Momma raised no fool...

I'll take pictures:blsmoke:

Just don't let me post them or you'll need a magnifying glass...:wall:
Ladies like a guy that holds the door open for them. Opens the car door and then shuts it after she gets in. Pull her chair out for her when she sits down. Not too many men are real gentlemen anymore and touching a womans heart will get you way farther.
Ladies like a guy that holds the door open for them. Opens the car door and then shuts it after she gets in. Pull her chair out for her when she sits down. Not too many men are real gentlemen anymore and touching a womans heart will get you way farther.

I do all of the above,,, I treat my lady like a lady .. And she act's like a lady in public .. but behind closed doors .. Well use your imagination
And to think I had to put a lock on my bedroom door to keep kids from hocking my jewelry....no shit, I should of looked at that lock differently, I hated that lock..

Wake n Noon everyone!
Have you done the smart thing and put a lock on your bedroom door for extreme privacy? I could never relax during sex unless I knew the door was locked and a half sleeping child wasn't going to come wandering in. :o
Well my lock came in handy when my son became a teenager. We had some problems with things going missing too. Of course we had to change to a new keyed entry lock then, but we also used it to be private for smoking too.