Waging A Real War On Christmas/Synchronized Hyperspace Event (S.H.E.)

I have not been able to find any rolling papers, so I used a page of the Bible last night. Then I thought about it, and old Bibles were written on Onion skins, which was how they made the pages so thin.

So I got an onion and peeled off some different layers, and I got 2 different layers to roll some pretty good joints. One of them I had to roll around the bud while the skin was wet then let it dry over night, the other one was thinner, so I dried it first, then rolled the bud in it and it pretty much worked like a little joint.

So if you even need rolling papers and can't find any, Onions have natural papers on them.
This is kinda random and off topic, but if you have heard Obama talking about helping Africa, he is a corporate person, so Obama can only see how it helps when we send GE jobs to Africa, or send Microsoft jobs to Africa. And those can help, but those things can't reach everyone. They only reach the people in those countries that have the ability to access those things. And some random tribal family in the bush doesn't have the same opportunity as the children on someone who works as a body guard on a compound for a GE executive. So the kids on the outside continue to be born into struggle.

But if we find herbs like Uziza that people in Africa ALREADY collect to earn money, and we start buying these things in larger amounts, we can start building a real economy on their bottom level, and they will sell it cheap, so the person connected to them in America will be stimulating their own local economy by bringing the plant into it, and not having to spend much doing so.

Uziza was like $3.25 an oz on the website I ordered from, and if you knew someone in Nigeria that had a bulk connection, I am pretty sure it would be even cheaper.
Also random.

It may seem like America is kind of small because we only see like 20 politicians regularly, and the people on the news try to make sure we know who they are, so it might seem like the same 40 people have been on TV forever, just giving each other jobs.

But there are 350,000 People in America. When I have 1-10 trolls coming at me saying "why are you randomly saying these things" and not only trolling me, but taking the time to troll me on multiple forums. I just laugh that they think that they can somehow effect my emotions via a forum comment (this has provided me years of entertainment, they REALLY get into it). There are 350,000 MILLION possible people that can read this, so if ONE person that is on the internet decides they don't want to read what I have to say or they just don't like what I have to say, I honestly could not care less.
Wat's a few decimal places..
don't know about that Ziza stuff, but importing and local farmer's cooperatives R where it's at. a good idea, Nvr to run out of papers..
Wat's a few decimal places..
View attachment 3284587
don't know about that Ziza stuff, but importing and local farmer's cooperatives R where it's at. a good idea, Nvr to run out of papers..
I think the main problem with Globalization is that Governments and Corporations are Globalizing. If we TRULY Globalized to the Point where someone in America and someone in Russia felt like this is 'Earth", then Globalization would not be such a bad thing.
globalization is here in varying degrees, everyone's subjectiveconsciousness makes it appear random. ima gonna dig up a song and im out -

nu era; remember how season one of Weeds was mildly shocking to be on network television, and Now, Ha...!
Science is Not Atheism. And Most religions (since Christianity, Judaism and Islam are ALL Abrahamic and the same) don't believe in a Magic Man that created them. Most religions simply use the feminine and masculine nouns for proper grammar, not to imply God is a male creature or female creature that does magic things.

Like in German and Spanish. I am pretty sure tables are female and pencils are male or something like that. It doesn't mean you think the table can get it on with the pencil, it is just how language works. And when the ancient people carved images of people, we know that they were not always meant to symbolize real people, most of the time the image of a person was representative of some body of knowledge or act of nature.
I just made some Uziza + Lemongrass Tea, I can definitely tell that Uziza is in the same family as Pepper, it is giving me a slight peppery tingle on my tongue as I drink the tea. Not like Pepper tea or anything, but I put between 5-10 grams of Uziza in it and I can feel a slight pepper tingle.

It hasn't been 45 minutes, but I just finished drinking the cup and I can already feel effects.

Lemon grass = Myrcene and Lemonene
Uziza = Caryophyllene

I have been making videos as I smoked the Onion joints and made this tea, so that will be up today.
And just btw, if anyone is like "You're supporting the state". Would you rather just people in retirement homes vote for everyone? If you are a Libertarian, where is the Stateless State people can go to? Have you written up a Declaration of Independence yet or anything? If not, then I suggest the best thing we can do now is let them know what we want, and let them know there are more of us than them.

Before the Civil war everyone was just considered to be a citizen of their state, but the government decided that to avoid laws that would effect the newly freed population, they would make them citizens of "The United States" which previously had NO CITIZENS, everyone was just a citizen of their state before. I explained that so you can see why the Government was formed, it is there to be Managerial. But instead, the Politicians go to Washington DC, which is not even a state, and they make deals with people to make sure Washington DC looks nice and is a great place for people to move. But they do not even realize that they are letting the actually STATES fall in to partisan ass holery.
If you want to prove you smoke Marijuana for your religion (If you feel connected to Shiva), get a Rig Veda and a Rudraksha Mala.

The Rig Veda is the big book of Indra/Shiva, which includes Agni (Literally just Fire), and Rudra (Explained before), and Rudraksha Malas represent Rudra, who is the pre-Shiva form. So having these 2 things should be enough to prove to the police what you are doing, you can also have sandalwood incense and stuff like that, just look up "Things that represent Shiva" and Marijuana is a BIG one that list.
Also, if you like Ghosts and Bigfoot and the Loche Ness Monster and stuff like that, no one ever talks about Shinto, but TONS of Modern Ghost tradition and Horror movie stuff comes from Shinto Tradition. Tons of video games and comic books are also based on Shinto things. If you like video games AND weird monstery stuff, look up "LSD Dream Simulator".

Ex: The entire idea that a ghost will be tied to the Earth by emotions like anger or fear, are actually Shinto beliefs, not random horror culture.

If you get the book called "The Kojiki" aka "Records of Ancient Matters", it has all kinds of weird creatures in it and it is one of the books that is important to Shinto belief. And in Japan they still have occasional sightings of these creatures.

Just wanted to point out the religious tradition behind a lot of the Preternatural stuff from other cultures. Also the world "Preternatural" is not a common idea in western tradition now either.
Protestants like to say "Catholics are Pagan" but then when it comes to counting up religions, they count as "Christian" so that thy can say they are the biggest.

I am going to do the same thing here. "Polytheism" would include Hindus, Shintos, some Buddists, Pagans & "Folk Religon" or Native Religion practicioners.

If all of those are mixed together under the umbrella of "Polytheism" or even "Paganism" from the Christian perspective, then it is over 28% of the worlds population.

And if the Catholics ever decide they actually are Pagan, then those scales get WAY tipped. Right now Christianity is 31.5% and Catholics are basically Spain, Italy, South America, Central America, etc. So if those are all Pagans, Paganism is on top. Since Hindus are also Pagan according to Christians, and if they knew about all the other statues people build and religious plants people use, they would call them all Pagan.
If you are interested in Greek Mythology, Homer was the one who wrote the most famous books about them. The Iliad and stuff. But you can also look into the Mythology yourself, because Homer was a poet, not a Historian. Though many of the cities and stuff he talked about have been discovered.

If you like the idea of Pan, I think learning about Arcadia would be the best route of "worship".
I just want to point out that I know this is 2 months before Christmas. I don't expect anyone to start posting here or reading much of this until it gets closer to Christmas or Bill O'Reilly starts talking about the War on Christmas.

But we are almost guaranteed to win the war on Christmas, because we will be going all the way into Easter celebrating the festival of Sight, which is where you drink and smoke Marijuana. We are supposed to celebrate it in March but it is called "Holi" and the American "Holi-Days" are from November to Christmas, so we are celebrating it then, and all the way to March when Holi ACTUALLY happens in India.

But it's not our fault that our fellow Americans decided to call this the "Holi-day Season". So put Marijuana leaves in Milk, or just smoke it while we celebrate the Holidays.

And if you want to celebrate Mithras, get a Santa hat and some kind of Mushrooms when the Christmas lights go up. We will get to Easter and stuff when 2015 comes around.
Also, if you live in Colorado or Washington or California or whatever and you read this and you are like "Marijuana is legal", then why not just share this with someone in Texas or a similar state.