Wadda ya expect ... Bush is an Oil Man.


New Member
Sorry, here are a few links. Spinsanity - Throwing the book at her: The bias Ann Coulter documents best may be her own<br> "The wisdom of Ann Coulter" This second one has some of her uncalled for personal attacks, and some of her twisted logic about the earth, and some of her general bitchiness overall. Here's What's Left: Oh my god, I hate Ann Coulter News Hounds: Voter Fraud Suspect, Likely Substance Abuser And Hate Monger Ann Coulter Presented As Moral Authority Re Imus On Hannity & Colmes The woman, imo, is just a fascist bitch. Sorry. Now I'm getting out of the political forum, sorry to have bothered all of you.
I only read the first link. If all the others are like the first one, its mostly nit picking. Here's an excerpt from the first link that I DO agree with:

"Yet Slander's sales, alongside those of Coulter's political opposite, Michael Moore, reveal something sad and important about the state of the country: Those with a talent for inflammatory rhetoric rather than facts have their fingers on the pulse of contemporary political debate."


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I tried to choose links which had different things in them. I've seen her on Bill Maher myself.I've seen her on news shows. I don't like her. I don't like George Bush. I don't like John Mccain.That's my opinion.Glad this country is still free enough that I CAN have one.Though I don't know for how long.As for Michael Moore, I've only watched sicko. I know from first hand experience that what he says about the health care system is true.Read the rest of the links and you may get a more rounded view of what I was trying to point out.
I only read the first link. If all the others are like the first one, its mostly nit picking. Here's an excerpt from the first link that I DO agree with:

"Yet Slander's sales, alongside those of Coulter's political opposite, Michael Moore, reveal something sad and important about the state of the country: Those with a talent for inflammatory rhetoric rather than facts have their fingers on the pulse of contemporary political debate."
