wack start to the morning.

sadly, i am still the proud owner of this thread. i cant believe its stillllll going.

actually, rollitup owns this thread.

this thread simply served as a vehicle to expose you as a homophobic bigot who doesn't know how to keep raccoons out of his goddamn grow room.

that really speaks to your skill level, or more accurately, lack thereof.

and your atrocious spelling and grammar is just the icing on the cake. when you call others "ignotant", that is the cherry on top.

i really enjoy it when people like you try to wave their dicks in the air.

actually, rollitup owns this thread.

this thread simply served as a vehicle to expose you as a homophobic bigot who doesn't know how to keep raccoons out of his goddamn grow room.

that really speaks to your skill level, or more accurately, lack thereof.

and your atrocious spelling and grammar is just the icing on the cake. when you call others "ignotant", that is the cherry on top.

i really enjoy it when people like you try to wave their dicks in the air.

im fucking crying right now! people are looking at me funny on the train im laughing so hard...

and kite your following comment is fucking hilarious... perfect!

i will need to rep you guys when i spread more love around
You know I spent most of my working life seeing and dealing with the carnage left by idiots. I've had to pick up the pieces of an 18 month old hit by a train because her mother had a needle in her arm. How about the 2 year old burned full thickness, only the bottoms of her feet weren't burned. I could go on and on so if you think a few jokes about hitting a dead Raven with whatever bug me you are very wrong.

Mostly I despair about the total loss of humanity. We are how we treat the weakest and most vulnerable around us. That is how we define our humanity. Shooting racoons with broad point arrows and humans with cross bows just makes me wonder where we are headed and think our possible extermination will not be a bad thing for our planet if we are so self-centered we take joy in the killing of things for recreation and not food.
I don't think the guy was taking joy in killing. I think he was taking joy in getting rid of a pest who was eating his plants. He was like "YEAH FUCKER!" cus he was basically pissed and amped up in the moment.

Hell minnesmoker said he would basically beat or kill a puppy if it got into his grow room. Yet we are trolling a dude over a raccoon?

Pests are pests. If it had been a rat or snake yall wouldn't of cared.
I don't think the guy was taking joy in killing. I think he was taking joy in getting rid of a pest who was eating his plants. He was like "YEAH FUCKER!" cus he was basically pissed and amped up in the moment.

Hell minnesmoker said he would basically beat or kill a puppy if it got into his grow room. Yet we are trolling a dude over a raccoon?

Pests are pests. If it had been a rat or snake yall wouldn't of cared.

right you are.

and it wasnt a crossbow. it was a 60 pound compund. curious2garden, crossbows are for pussys.

and yes i enjoyed eliminating a threat

we disnt do this for fun. we were protecting our crops. you wouldnt tell a farmer he cant shoot a coon for fucking with his corn (which farmers do shoot em for) so how are you able to instruct me on pest control. and weather or not i enjoyed doing my job.
I don't think the guy was taking joy in killing. I think he was taking joy in getting rid of a pest who was eating his plants. He was like "YEAH FUCKER!" cus he was basically pissed and amped up in the moment.

Hell minnesmoker said he would basically beat or kill a puppy if it got into his grow room. Yet we are trolling a dude over a raccoon?

Pests are pests. If it had been a rat or snake yall wouldn't of cared.

I said no such. I said I'd deal with any pest, puppy to popo, in my way, and wouldn't discuss my methods here. As is the prudent path to follow. I also said that I've got absolutely no problem with killing. The subject was expressed, disdain for the wording (if not the act) was expressed in a number of threads. I pointed out, without judgement in either direction, the where it may have been an error to post about killing with apparent glee, and then took a moment to note that people protesting the killing of a raccoon are some of the same that demand death, torture, or castration for murderers and rapists (both human beings.)

I take no issue with a person killing, I take no issue with a person liking to kill, I don't think a public forum, where a majority's view of life is the opposite of "null" is the most appropriate place to express that kill, or the joy of the kill. That's what I expressed, over and over.
I said no such. I said I'd deal with any pest, puppy to popo, in my way, and wouldn't discuss my methods here. As is the prudent path to follow. I also said that I've got absolutely no problem with killing. The subject was expressed, disdain for the wording (if not the act) was expressed in a number of threads. I pointed out, without judgement in either direction, the where it may have been an error to post about killing with apparent glee, and then took a moment to note that people protesting the killing of a raccoon are some of the same that demand death, torture, or castration for murderers and rapists (both human beings.)

I take no issue with a person killing, I take no issue with a person liking to kill, I don't think a public forum, where a majority's view of life is the opposite of "null" is the most appropriate place to express that kill, or the joy of the kill. That's what I expressed, over and over.

I just was pointing out the selective "hearing" of the others in here.
and for those who thought i was really harsh, next time i will use my usual pest killer device. inert gas (co2).

i have several tanks spread thru my grow. they are all conected, and i have it setup, so when i hit the red kill button by the entrance to the grow (always closest to the exxit to prevent self harm).

this method kills errything that could get in your grow. its aboslute. it takes all the o2 out and makes it imposible for any pest to continue fucking you over.

so you decide, should i have just did what i did, or suffocated it. i still believe my choice was right.
and for those who thought i was really harsh, next time i will use my usual pest killer device. inert gas (co2).

i have several tanks spread thru my grow. they are all conected, and i have it setup, so when i hit the red kill button by the entrance to the grow (always closest to the exxit to prevent self harm).

this method kills errything that could get in your grow. its aboslute. it takes all the o2 out and makes it imposible for any pest to continue fucking you over.

so you decide, should i have just did what i did, or suffocated it. i still believe my choice was right.

To be completely honest, if anything goes into my grow during lights-on, it will die, unless the room that the setup is in is vented, first. The CO2 is generated by dry ice, but builds up. At night, the exhaust vent rapidly vents it, but, during the day, with the CO2 being pumped outta the setup, it's lethal.

EDIT: And, it's behind 3 doors, with 4 locks, so I don't get strays.
im stayibg in a 80 year old ranch house. i have a lock on my front door. and a basement door. thats it. i dont have 30 doors with 100 locks. this isnt even my joint.

and ive explianed, it got thru a hatch i originally thought sealed. not its nailed shut, and i double checked errything. dont think another critter is getting it.
im stayibg in a 80 year old ranch house. i have a lock on my front door. and a basement door. thats it. i dont have 30 doors with 100 locks. this isnt even my joint.

and ive explianed, it got thru a hatch i originally thought sealed. not its nailed shut, and i double checked errything. dont think another critter is getting it.

Irie, man. Chill. I am not attacking you, and never did. I just KEEP trying to offer the same advice. Don't bring yourself to the forefront, on a grower's forum, for any ANY major crime or violent tendencies. We all know, there are law enforcement here. We all know that what we do is frowned up, on a federal level. Some of us have been arrested before, have seen shock troops because we are known to be violent or dangerous. Others have had their doors knocked on, and asked if they could talk to the resident.

Shit happens, you shot the critter, I don't care either way. The implication of cruelty, and excitement and joy at your kill, your stating that you arm yourself with a deadly weapon, to deal with any potential intruder, all in your first post of this thread, was not prudent. I posted that, and should have just left. I shouldn't still be posting.

Flaming Pie, I've got the utmost respect for you, and was not trying to say anything negative to you, just that I've maintained pretty good neutrality, and this is the first post I've actually expressed how I "feel." I understand your calling others out, but mine was an example that was inaccurate. Finding anything in my grow will be dealt with. How I deal with it is very much a personal decision, and wouldn't be shared here. I took offense to your assumption or at least the implication that I'm a killing machine, or some such. I posted simply as clarification, though.
Kushhound, the next time this happens, I want to hear how you took care of it with Chinese Throwing Stars. That would be cool.bongsmilie
Kushhound, the next time this happens, I want to hear how you took care of it with Chinese Throwing Stars. That would be cool.bongsmilie

if i get a pest infestation, ill let you know.privatly.

and as far as major crime, and deadly weapons? you dont require a licence to own a bow, and theres no law against deffending myself from a animal indoors in my area. but your right, with all those dirty one time muthafuckas out there, i really should watch what is talked about on here. no need to give them any reason to bother anyone
Flaming Pie, I've got the utmost respect for you, and was not trying to say anything negative to you, just that I've maintained pretty good neutrality, and this is the first post I've actually expressed how I "feel." I understand your calling others out, but mine was an example that was inaccurate. Finding anything in my grow will be dealt with. How I deal with it is very much a personal decision, and wouldn't be shared here. I took offense to your assumption or at least the implication that I'm a killing machine, or some such. I posted simply as clarification, though.

It's cool, I didn't take offense.

Sorry if my assumption offended you. Not trying to offend. Don't know you or what you do.

I was posting early morning on something I remembered from yesterday. You never said kill or anything like that about a puppy. My bad.
if i get a pest infestation, ill let you know.privatly.

and as far as major crime, and deadly weapons? you dont require a licence to own a bow, and theres no law against deffending myself from a animal indoors in my area. but your right, with all those dirty one time muthafuckas out there, i really should watch what is talked about on here. no need to give them any reason to bother anyone

Is it like the Dukes Of Hazzard? Do you tape TNT to your arrows?
I STOMP PUPPIES CLUB SEALS AND SHOOT ASSHOLES. I love it and could care less about anyone's opinion of it. Come hate now since so many seem to need to hate a person.