wack start to the morning.

I live in the woods......Racoons can be a real pain in the ass to deal with.....they are quite savvy critters.....very inquisitive....and they do figure out ways to get into shit....that said....it goes with the territory....They were there before I was so...I guess they have the right of way...but I do know what KH is talking about...they can be down right destructive critters.

On a somewhat related note....living in the woods and dealing with critters. About 6 years ago....a neighbor who lives down the road about 5 miles....They had thier mother living there with them as she was already older and getting to that point of needing some assistance.....well it was harvest time for apples and these folks were busy putting up apples by dehydrating.....the neighbor and his wife stepped out of the house for a few hours to ride into town for business, leaving mama back at home......When they got back they found thier mother dead....it was no racoon that had made its way in to the house....it was a bear....as bears find apples irrisitable....unfortunatly the older mam met her demise at the claws and teeth of that Bear......Game and Fish put out a bounty on that animal.....it was found and put down......not a nice story but a true one and again....thats life in the woods....

PS....I should have mentioned.....I have encountered racoons out in the hay barn....and they might look cute....but dont let that fool you....little bastards can be down right vicious and they will charge.....so be aware!!!
I live in the woods......Racoons can be a real pain in the ass to deal with.....they are quite savvy critters.....very inquisitive....and they do figure out ways to get into shit....that said....it goes with the territory....They were there before I was so...I guess they have the right of way...but I do know what KH is talking about...they can be down right destructive critters.

On a somewhat related note....living in the woods and dealing with critters. About 6 years ago....a neighbor who lives down the road about 5 miles....They had thier mother living there with them as she was already older and getting to that point of needing some assistance.....well it was harvest time for apples and these folks were busy putting up apples by dehydrating.....the neighbor and his wife stepped out of the house for a few hours to ride into town for business, leaving mama back at home......When they got back they found thier mother dead....it was no racoon that had made its way in to the house....it was a bear....as bears find apples irrisitable....unfortunatly the older mam met her demise at the claws and teeth of that Bear......Game and Fish put out a bounty on that animal.....it was found and put down......not a nice story but a true one and again....thats life in the woods....

the man i was waiting to hear from on this one. i knew if anyone wouldknow about raccoons, it would would be another dweller of the great bear infested woods, and mountains. there is a shitload of wildlife, and you cant fuck around. one false move can cost you alot of money, or worse.

why wait for a animal to attack or cause worse damage. sometimes, out here, you have to choose, will it be you or them. black pears, cougers, wolves, all that shit can kill or mame you. im not losing a eye because peta tells me i should.

and a fact about raccoons. in north america, they are errywhere. they breed like rats and cause exensive damage to shit errywhere. its cause they are TOO CLEVER FOR THEY OWN GOOD. and too clever for our good to. and good luck shooing a raccoon out of a basement, especially one thats warm, and full of delicious sticky thats getting it torched out of its mind. Too sugest such a thing would never work.

also, the value of the crop is not even the biggest issue. while it pisses me off, the risk to my equipment is the real danger. the plants, i can grow more, but i really cant just get more gear on a snap. I have to drivelike 2 hours to a big city to the hydro store. and as i posted the otherday, i fucking hate driving on highway.

all around the total risk isint worth it. any damage to my livelyhood is a serious threat, best handled promptly. i have other plants, so todays not the end of the world. but it could have been
I don't see what all the fuss is about, it was a raccoon eating his plants. I've had to beat a couple of muskrats to death with a shovel before...it happens.

The shovel adds the fuck you ellement big time. i like that style. if something or someone fucks with you, its on. and sometimes you only have access to certain tools.

i love shovels tho. im half irish, and the decendant of many generations of potato farmers, shovel is the irish potato farmers weapon of choice. they hold a special place in every pottato farmers heart.
The shovel adds the fuck you ellement big time. i like that style. if something or someone fucks with you, its on. and sometimes you only have access to certain tools.

i love shovels tho. im half irish, and the decendant of many generations of potato farmers, shovel is the irish potato farmers weapon of choice. they hold a special place in every pottato farmers heart.

I'm fond of hammers.But as a ditch digger myself,a shovel is instinctively always my second choice
hey kush. dude you came out of this thing just fine. you stuck to your convictions and never backed down. well played buddy. anyway what i actually wanted to say was that if you wanted to make that cap a proper piece of fully functional cold weather gear, get some scraps of wool blanket (the thicker the better) and sew it in as a liner. you might be amazed at how much heat that thing would hold in. peace n respect
I caught a deer eating some outdoor crops. I held it down and bit its throat, tore its airways wide open, and ripped it to shreds with my bare hands. Then I made beef jerky with the meat.
I have this odd feeling you are incredibly immature. Or maybe you're slow. You're just an all around shitty person. I'm not sure what made you think bragging about killing animals for the fuck of it, is a cool idea... but it's not.
Your reaction to his story is the only immature piece of this equation. As someone previously said, the raccoon was in his home and these animals are known to be disease ridden (gee wonder why). What was he supposed to do? Ask the raccoon to please stop destroying his crop so he could run to Walmart and pickup a few traps, you know, just to be as humane as possible? Uhmmmm no. He used the weapon he keeps in his home for protection and he used it well.

I'm not reading past the 2nd page on this thread. It seems there will be nothing more than immature ranting raccoon activists..
I caught a deer eating some outdoor crops. I held it down and bit its throat, tore its airways wide open, and ripped it to shreds with my bare hands. Then I made beef jerky with the meat.

I love me some deer jerky...and elk to...lol. Deer and elk both love weed.....big problem for me in the outdoors.....they leave it alone once the plants start getting some stank to them but if they get hold of them during the veg stage....FORGETABOUTIT>----------> :-)
I love me some deer jerky...and elk to...lol. Deer and elk both love weed.....big problem for me in the outdoors.....they leave it alone once the plants start getting some stank to them but if they get hold of them during the veg stage....FORGETABOUTIT>----------> :-)

I did really have deer eat some outdoor plants that were an experiment but the funny part was they only ate part of it and a couple leaves you could see the bite marks lol

Fucking things.
I did really have deer eat some outdoor plants that were an experiment but the funny part was they only ate part of it and a couple leaves you could see the bite marks lol

Fucking things.

Well...count your blessings as I have had them wipe out entire patches......All thats left is deer shit and tracks.........that is the shittiest feeling in the world....well....no...I take that back....getting ripped off by the 2 legged beast.....thats the worst....deer and elk I can forgive but lazy ass thieves that make a business out of ripping other people off....now thats the worst shit.....very frustrating. ....
And slowbus, if its so bad to kill something, why do you like deer and elk jerky. i wonder how that comes. it MUST grow on a deer tree right? no genius, someone who had balls kilked it.

violin time

Hey KushHound....I dont think slowbus was talking about you brother.....the way I saw it....SlowBus was responding to someone elses posting not to yours.......I'm pretty sure thats what I saw bro!!!
Sorry. im tired. Regardless tho, what is the need for name calling and so on. anyway slow my bad. im tired and have been listening to crap all day. i misunderstood. sunni, is it possible for me to remove a post? how to do?
Back to the topic at hand...clubbing BABY SEALS IS THE SHIZNIT:twisted:

yeah 2 seedlings dead, and a bill from the medicare company who was supposed to cover it for me. o and now i find out there were bomb dogs at the boston bomb site before it went off. wtf happend to this country. there will be more just like the school shootings.
yeah 2 seedlings dead, and a bill from the medicare company who was supposed to cover it for me. o and now i find out there were bomb dogs at the boston bomb site before it went off. wtf happend to this country. there will be more just like the school shootings.

Turns out 'fighting them over there' doesn't stop terrorism in our countries. Gee who would've thought. Still nice to have an excuse to steal oil and drone strike children.
I live in the Valley and I get coon's and possums that stroll through my property.
Families and all from time to time. They just cruise by me only a few feet away and just look at me
and keep going. I have 16 trees on my property and sometimes the coons come down
from the trees and have never bothered me, my pets and plants not once in the 18
years at home here. Never had to shoo them or anything. They just mind their
own business and never bother me at all. Never needed to secure my crops although
now I do, not cause of coons but for windy weather etc...18 years here so far and not once a bother from the coons.
Looks like we have pot, pet and human friendly coons in the Valley.