VT Guy first outdoor grow


Active Member
:leaf:Hey guys, i dont use message boards alot so im lkely to screw up some things, but i did run a search and there isnt much for vermont grow diaries. I have the new indoor/outdoor bible but i dont know have any experience. Im thinking i want to do 3 crops an early batch started indoors and transplanted, a corn field crop that grows real quick and low, and a crop that ends right around frost season which in vermont can vary from sept 19 to oct 27 u never really know ill probably get the protective covers to save em through the first few light frosts if i have too. i live in a rural town and plan on doing some guerilla growing around the outskirts but i also have a friend with some land in the country that wants to help and work with me( a good long term friend ive known since i was a kid) i want to go all out with maybe 60 to 80 plants total i know it will be alot of work but where i live theres always problems with weather, thieves, etc.. i plan on usisng soome bagseeds i got out of some nice high grade marijuana as well as some seed through banks im not sure who im going to order from yet. ive heard attitude sedds is very realiable but they are a bit pricey ive been thinking about using marijuana-seeds.nl, highgrade-seeds, or maybe amsterdam seed bank. if anyone have some positive or negatvive reviews id love to here em. So the strains ive been looking into include hollands hope, durban poison, (lowrider or a derivative), hash plant, afgani, muntain mist, auroroa idica, ultimate, indica and i dont know what else would be good for my area any input would be graet i plan on buying some t5's and germintating my baseeds while i order some seeds. alright ill continue with another post tomorrow im gettin tired.
Peace guys


Active Member
Is there any other vt growers that could put in some inut as far as strain selection and maybe some tips on where to set plants? im going to be using mostly pots because ive jeard their alot easier to control, but cost is another factor atm i dont have alot of money to put into this. Any advice or suggestions would be awsome.

:leaf:Hey guys, i dont use message boards alot so im lkely to screw up some things, but i did run a search and there isnt much for vermont grow diaries. I have the new indoor/outdoor bible but i dont know have any experience. Im thinking i want to do 3 crops an early batch started indoors and transplanted, a corn field crop that grows real quick and low, and a crop that ends right around frost season which in vermont can vary from sept 19 to oct 27 u never really know ill probably get the protective covers to save em through the first few light frosts if i have too. i live in a rural town and plan on doing some guerilla growing around the outskirts but i also have a friend with some land in the country that wants to help and work with me( a good long term friend ive known since i was a kid) i want to go all out with maybe 60 to 80 plants total i know it will be alot of work but where i live theres always problems with weather, thieves, etc.. i plan on usisng soome bagseeds i got out of some nice high grade marijuana as well as some seed through banks im not sure who im going to order from yet. ive heard attitude sedds is very realiable but they are a bit pricey ive been thinking about using marijuana-seeds.nl, highgrade-seeds, or maybe amsterdam seed bank. if anyone have some positive or negatvive reviews id love to here em. So the strains ive been looking into include hollands hope, durban poison, (lowrider or a derivative), hash plant, afgani, muntain mist, auroroa idica, ultimate, indica and i dont know what else would be good for my area any input would be graet i plan on buying some t5's and germintating my baseeds while i order some seeds. alright ill continue with another post tomorrow im gettin tired.
Peace guys


Active Member
Hey I might be able to offer some insight I live in VT. :) They don't call it the "Green Mountain state" for nothing.


Active Member
cool thanks guys for the input. its nice to know theres some fellow vermonters in here. Im gonna germinate my lemon skunk bagseeds. im gonna do the plate thing first than should I start em in small containers with starter mix, put em in my tray of water expanding seed starter pellets, or should i put em straight into big pots? any thoughts would be alot of help and like i said in my last post if anyone has had awsome results with certain strains in vt let me know. i dont know how big the vt community is here but it feels smalll so far im also aking for input from growers across new england, new york too we all live in a pretty similar climate. ill check back tomorrow.

Thanks Everyone