Voters Guide 2006


New Member
I found this article to be a very fair assessment ... ON THE ISSUE OF MJ ONLY. A prudent person would explore the ENTIRE agenda of a candidate before voting. There's a lot more at stake other than the legalization of weed.



Active Member
...when it comes to politics emery is a one trick pony...if it free's the weed its his thing...

...personally, i'm not sold that voting makes a difference, especially in a mid term election...whats gonna happen?, maybe 5% change...big fucking deal...inncumbancy is a bitch...

...also, democrat or republican...all rich kids...bullshit options...


Well-Known Member
Of course there are other issues Vi. But seeing as how were all on a Marijuana website, I thought it would be of interest to some of you.


New Member
Oh, its of interest all right. But again ... there's a lot more at stake. If a candidate has liberal ideas on the issues of liberty and conservative ideas on the issues of fiscal restraint ... that would be my guy. As a person living in California, Tom McClintock is the ideal candidate (even for pot smokers).



Well-Known Member
That's pretty much what I'm looking for in a candidate. Liberal on social issues, personal freedom, civil liberties, etc... Conservative on the size of government, taxes, fiscal responsibility.

Basically I think what we're both looking for is a Libertarian. :-)

BTW Vi, What do you think of Kinky? You think he still has a chance in Texas?


New Member
Sorry, I don't know anything about "Kinky." Maybe you guys could fill me in? What are some of his ideas that you folks like?



Well-Known Member
I found this article to be a very fair assessment ... ON THE ISSUE OF marijuana ONLY. A prudent person would explore the ENTIRE agenda of a candidate before voting. There's a lot more at stake other than the legalization of weed.

Why not Vi, everything is well and good with your agenda except marijuana. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Vi you're disappointing me. You're a libertarian and you don't know who Kinky is?

He's a cigar smoking jewish Cowboy, musician, writer, and a LIBERTARIAN (running as an Independent).
He's for Legalizing marijuana and gay marriage. Liberal on social issues and conservative on Government and fiscal responsibility (exactly what we're looking for :-) ). He's a good friend of Willie Nelson. Funny and very politically INCORRECT.

I wish I lived in Texas, so I could vote for that son of a bitch. :-)


Well-Known Member
I live in Texas and I'm Voting for the son of a bitch.
I'm also voting against the incombants in both the senatorial and congressional elections, and on the rest of the state elections (texas house ect.) Libertarian. Vi ? Vi?! VI?!?! Pick yourself off the floor... :D


Well-Known Member
Doobie, you are correct....Kinky is a great alternative; I have been amused by his appearances on the Imus radio show thru the years.
I think his band's name was the Texas Jewboys!....or something like that...! lol

This is from a review of his recent book entitled” Texas Hold 'em: How I Was Born In A Manger, Died In The Saddle, And Came Back As A Horny Toad".

The Kinkster, "Kinky's term of endearment for himself," has been busy churning out the pages (three books last year; two so far this year), even as he prepares to run for governor of Texas in 2006. Given the successes of Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Kinkster figures he could be a governor, too; since governors don't do any "heavy lifting," he could do "some spiritual lifting," perhaps referring to his vow "to fight the wussification" of Texas. Apart from arguing for know-nothings in politics, Friedman supplies his readers with a great number of lists: Texas cheerleaders, Texas inventions, Texas oddities, Texas prison slang, etc. He even tries his hand at a bit of pop sociology, pondering the number of former Eagle Scouts on Texas's death row: "The Boy Scouts don't allow non-Christians or gays in their organization. You would think that would weed out the nutters but apparently not." Although in the end, it's clear Friedman doesn't have much to say about anything, his many fans will probably set aside a couple of nights' beer money for this latest collection, enhanced by the cartoons of John Callahan. Texas Hold 'em: How I Was Born In A Manger, Died In The Saddle, And Came Back As A Horny Toad: Books: Kinky Friedman,John Callahan


Well-Known Member
I like Imus. But he's been pissing me off lately, with his support for Santorum (may be misspelled) from Pennsylvania. I hate Santorum. He's a far-right Psycho and he's definitely opposed to our cause (Legal marijuana).


Well-Known Member
I don't know much about Rick Santorum or Imus. I know Imus does some charity work on his ranch with youngsters, and he looks like he might have sparked a joint or two. I wonder If skunk is right about the Ex-smokers, I know ex-cigarette smokers are the most anti-smoking fanatics.The theory on the cigarette ex-smokers is they have to hate it to stay away. I'm an ex-cig. smoker and I can't stand the smell of cigarettes, My daughter and son both smoke (a little guilt there), and I can smell them as soon as they open the front door. It's my grandkids that worry me (second hand smoke), I know, I should have thought about that thirty years ago, and maybe they wouldn't be smoking now! Can't change the past, yet!


New Member
Ah yes ... I have seen Kinky on TV. Funny as hell ... and he makes a lot of sense.


Vi you're disappointing me. You're a libertarian and you don't know who Kinky is?

He's a cigar smoking jewish Cowboy, musician, writer, and a LIBERTARIAN (running as an Independent).
He's for Legalizing marijuana and gay marriage. Liberal on social issues and conservative on Government and fiscal responsibility (exactly what we're looking for :-) ). He's a good friend of Willie Nelson. Funny and very politically INCORRECT.

I wish I lived in Texas, so I could vote for that son of a bitch. :-)


New Member
Teddy drank-people sank, Isn't that a little past revelance. It should be more like: Foley sucked- now he's fucked!


Well-Known Member
Hey Med, why did you include my name in your subject?
The Teddy quote is not mine. I've got nothing against Teddy. I'm with you on Foley though.


New Member
Hey Med, why did you include my name in your subject?
The Teddy quote is not mine. I've got nothing against Teddy. I'm with you on Foley though.
Sorry Doob, that was a slip of the mouse, I had put that on another post between you and vi and it always comes up now in the box, and when I lined up the pointer it missed the line for viredd only and I didn't proofread the title!