Vote To Federally Legalize Marijuana Planned In Congress

Oh, I already have .... you're 'mind' is already made up - I can't change it.

Wow. Now, there's a real Christian for ya ... not.
Answered my question anyway.
I didn't think that a spiritually aware person could say the things you do, turns out I was right.
When u are at the pearly gates i think that voting for a serial sex offender, racist crook may be your downfall. Would Jesus vote for Trump? Hell no. Jesus despises people like Trump. Maybe you should start living your life by the book/books you keep talking about.
Governments lie, rich send the poor to die.
It was the people who helped stop that war.
I know my dad has never forgiven the Government.
Supporting a Government that had Buddhist monks burning themselves alive in protest of was not a good look for Mercia and its allies.
This really was one of the first eye opening moments I had with understanding how much of human history is just not taking the time to learn about each other before acting.
I support SOME of the things he has done, and will do.

I support the changes he made to over regulation of business ... encouraging the best economic situation ever.
I support the changes he's trying to make to get China from ripping us off.
I support the changes he's trying to make to get immigration straightened out.
I support the changes he made to allow the US to be a net energy exporter, reducing or eliminating our need for Middle East Oil.
I support what he is doing to reign in N. Korea.
I support the changes that he made allowing people who are terminally ill to have access to the drugs they want to try, even experimental ones.

So, yea ... nobody is all bad.
Nobody is all good.

I'm just trying to hold my nose and choose the best.
And, that's not easy with the field we have to choose from.

I am torn between Kamila Harris and Trump.
Though I been watching Mayor Bootie Judge recently ...
I just wish I could get a middle-of the-road hybrid ... we used to call them Democrats. You know ... John Kennedy.

Accountability, Honesty, Integrity, Compassion, Selflessness

^^Which one of those describes Trump?

Jesus believed principles to be more valuable than "worldy" possessions and placed the highest priority to the point it killed him. Furthermore, the religion is strongly underscored by a reward/punishment system by which you are judged not by how much money you make, ect, but by how well you adhered to the principles instructed in the good book. Does Trump sound like someone that puts value in just principles, or does he only care about what benefits him?

Jesus didn't care about helping the rich get richer. He hung with the prostitutes, sick, poor, and needy.

Trump is attacking healthcare. It doesn't effect the rich, but the poor sure are suffereing disproportionately. Jesus would not be happy.

Trump has campaigned on Regan-omics, and passed a huge tax break for the rich. Not only is this not in the majority interst, but it was advertised with intent to deceive the masses into believing it was for majority benefit. I'd call that a scam and right on par for Trump considering his judgements levied against him in the Fraud cases brought forward (Trump university ect). Jesus again, would not be happy.

Trump mocks the disabled?

If you're Christian there's absolutely zero way you can defend your decision to vote for Trump. I haven't even got into the abuse or sexual misconduct, the insesant lying, ect, but if you're Christian, by definition, the things you state you support should pale in comparison to the Christian principles he lacks.

If you believe in all of that, how is God going to judge your decisions at the pearly gate? Isn't that what's most important?

God asks, "why did you support that lying, scheming, corrupt, thieving, fraud & sexual predator?"

You'll say "cause of global trade, business deregulation, and oil"

hmmm ???
God asks, "why did you support that lying, scheming, corrupt, thieving, fraud & sexual predator?"

You'll say

Man, if that's the worse He brings up about me ... LoL

Eh, anyway; I would say: "I am what you made me Lord. I am doing the best with the limitations (intelligence, skills, courage) that You put in me. I meant no harm to anyone; though I know that there were times when I was forced to make very difficult decisions, and there also were too many times when I succumbed to my own weaknesses.

''There are many things that I wish I could do over in my life.

"But, this Trump guy, he really had me fooled. I looked at empirical data instead of emotional bleating. The first time I voted for him I had a choice between an extremely corrupt political dynasty, (it was called The Clinton Organizations) an apparently experienced and tough business person.

"The second time I voted for him, he had already been in power for almost four years, and fulfilled more of his ca He did not lie about who he was, or what he was going to do. He did it. He gave poor and minority people hope by providing employment, he gave sick people the freedom to make their own decision about experimental drugs, he reduced government over-regulation allowing small and medium business to grow, he gave back tax money to millions of people who really needed it and reduced the future tax burden on them, he resisted a huge government (China) who has been stealing and plundering the assets and riches of me and my fellow countrymen ... all these things improved people's lives and gave them pride in themselves.

"He did all this despite the best efforts of almost everyone around him to destroy him. The lies that were PROVEN didn't make any difference.. He had a constant head-wind, and fluctuating 'friendships'.

"If I made a mistake and he suddenly turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, I will submit to Your judgement, and beg Your mercy."

That's what I would say, if He asks.
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