Vote To Federally Legalize Marijuana Planned In Congress


Well-Known Member
Looks like Mitch is gonna kill another bill, he knows all the pot smoking Trumpers will cut their own throats again, so no loss for the GOP. They will vote republican and against their interest, they always do, they are dumb enough to support Trump after all.
Nov 16, 2019, 07:38pm
Vote To Federally Legalize Marijuana Planned In Congress

Tom Angell Contributor
I cover the politics and policy of cannabis here and at Marijuana Moment.

A key congressional committee plans to hold a historic vote on a bill to end the federal prohibition of marijuana next week, two sources with knowledge of the soon-to-be-announced action said.

The legislation, sponsored by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), would remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and set aside funding to begin repairing the damage of the war on drugs, which has been disproportionately waged against communities of color.
Those programs—such as job training and legal aid for people impacted by prohibition enforcement, loans for small cannabis businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and efforts to minimize barriers to licensing and employment in the legal industry—would be paid for with a new federal five percent tax on marijuana sales instituted under the bill, and some of them would be administered by a new Cannabis Justice Office in the Department of Justice.

The proposal, the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act, would also provide for resentencing and expungement of records for people previously convicted of cannabis offenses and would shield immigrants from being denied citizenship status over marijuana.

It currently has 55 cosponsors, all but one of whom are Democrats.
A Senate companion is being led by Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), a 2020 presidential candidate, though it has not yet been scheduled for action in the GOP-controlled chamber.

Wednesday’s planned Judiciary Committee vote on the far-reaching cannabis reform legislation—which hasn’t yet been officially listed but is expected to be announced on Monday—comes about two months after the full House overwhelmingly approved a bipartisan bill to increase marijuana businesses’ access to banks.

Politico reported on Saturday that Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), who is not a member of the panel, vaguely mentioned upcoming committee consideration while speaking at a conference in Southern California.

The congresswoman reportedly didn’t clarify that the legislation would be formally “marked up,” or voted on, a detail that sources shared with Marijuana Moment in recent days. A Judiciary Committee spokesperson hasn’t responded to several inquiries about the pending vote.

The planned action on the bill, which would also block federal agencies from denying public benefits or security clearances over marijuana use, follows a hearing a Judiciary subcommittee held in July that examined the connection between marijuana legalization and racial justice.

The markup will provide the opportunity for lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to file amendments to the bill, and could shed further light on an emerging divide between cannabis reform supporters who feel it is essential to address past drug war harms and equity in the cannabis industry immediately and those who believe it makes more sense to advance more limited, states’ rights-focused legislation that could stand a better chance of advancing through the Senate and to President Trump’s desk.

Those tensions surfaced both during the Judiciary hearing this summer as well as in the lead up to the House floor vote on the cannabis banking legislation. Some pro-legalization groups went so far as to ask leadership to delay the scheduled vote on the financial services bill because they took issue with what is seen as an industry-focused proposal moving ahead of one containing restorative justice provisions such as the MORE Act.

In response to those concerns, top Democrats such as Nadler and House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) pledged that while they were moving ahead with the banking vote, they also saw the importance of following up by advancing more comprehensive cannabis legislation.

Advancing the MORE Act or a similar descheduling proposal through committee and onto the House floor would make good on that pledge.

It’s less certain how the Senate would react to House passage of a far-reaching bill to end federal marijuana prohibition. Some advocates believe that only a more modest proposal to exempt state-approved cannabis activity from federal prohibition stands a chance in the Republican-controlled body.

That bill, the Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States (STATES) Act, would not formally deschedule marijuana under the CSA and doesn’t include measures aimed at ensuring equity in the legal industry for communities most harmed by the drug war.

President Trump has voiced support for the less far-reaching bill, which is led by Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Cory Gardner (R-CO).
They need to do this because the pea-brained pigs cannot tell the difference between marijuana and hemp! ... even when the legal hemp is accompanied by written lab tests proving that the hemp has less than .3 percent THC. The pigs just are itching to make an arrest, so they can pound their chest.

Here in California since Adult-Use is completely legal, I've seen pigs ignore a dozen marijuana plants growing in a back yard.

It was certainly refreshing! :bigjoint:

Here in California since Adult-Use is completely legal, I've seen pigs ignore a dozen marijuana plants growing in a back yard.
me too

The only time they raid here is:
- neighbor complaint
- obvious and ongoing ecological damage

Keep your head down, control odor, keep your worksite clean and prolly be ok.
In Canada the cops got out of the pot business and seem glad to have, provincial liquor inspectors do retail enforcement. We have a 4 plant limit per household, but the government knew it wouldn't be constitutional (those who opposed legalization didn't know). Single adult households would have more rights than multiple adult households and it will not fly in court. Most people can get by within the four plant limit anyway.

I run a small compassion club under a medical licence and grow more, though I recently quit smoking pot. I need to use a couple of dehumidifiers to keep indoor humidity levels in check during winter and four plants would the practical limit anyway for most folks. I like to keep my flower room humidity in the 40% range and have one of the dehumidifiers in there, drives the temps up a bit more than I like (29C instead of 27C). I use DIY water cooled LED grow lights and don't move a ton of air out of the house through the carbon filter, just enough to control odor.
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Not enough people moving to here. California legalization was the greatest thing ever!!! I voted no, boy was i wrong!!!!
Oh, there's a LOT of people moving here.

Now, there IS a lot of people who work for a living leaving. People who own businesses, pay taxes .... they leaving.
But, the southern border is as porous as Gov 'Any-Twosome' Newsome can make it.
So, don't worry, for every productive citizen leaving, there is two or three illegal immigrants entering.
So keep letting people get arrested do you can make a couple extra bucks and not spend as much in taxes. You're fucked up
I don't pay those taxes .. the end user pays them.
Taxes to the producer are just passed on to the customer.
Kind of like when Trump says that the import taxes on Chinese stuff is paid by the Chinese ... they not. They paid by you and me. We are the end users.

You WANT retail prices to go up?
You WANT the gov't to collect 50% or more in taxes from the people who use it, need it?

I think YOU the one fucked up.
I don't pay those taxes .. the end user pays them.
Taxes to the producer are just passed on to the customer.
Kind of like when Trump says that the import taxes on Chinese stuff is paid by the Chinese ... they not. They paid by you and me. We are the end users.

You WANT retail prices to go up?
You WANT the gov't to collect 50% or more in taxes from the people who use it, need it?

I think YOU the one fucked up.
Yes I dont mind paying a tax to keep me out of handcuffs. I'd rather people have legal access to it and pay an extra few bucks then get fined or jail time over a plant. It's like cigs. The government will always get their share. Keeping it illegal and making people go underground just to score a joint is pathetic
So much for Joe... State by state is a boneheaded idea, it's legal in one state and they still have the death penalty on the books for it in another.
Biden says he won't legalize marijuana because it may be a 'gateway drug'
BY OWEN DAUGHERTY - 11/17/19 07:23 PM EST

Former Vice President Joe Biden defended his reasoning to not legalize marijuana on a federal level if elected president, saying there is not “enough evidence” as to “whether or not it is a gateway drug.”

Speaking at a town hall in Las Vegas on Saturday, the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate said whether the U.S. should legalize cannabis on a federal level is still up for debate as far as he is concerned.

“The truth of the matter is, there’s not nearly been enough evidence that has been acquired as to whether or not it is a gateway drug,” Biden said, according to Business Insider. “It’s a debate, and I want a lot more before I legalize it nationally. I want to make sure we know a lot more about the science behind it.”

Biden, as he has throughout his time on the campaign trail, said he supports medical marijuana and insisted possession of the substance "should not be a crime."

But he also said Saturday that he thinks the decision to legalize marijuana should be left up to individual states.

“States should be able to make a judgment to legalize marijuana,” he said at the town hall.

As for legalization on a federal level, Biden said more research is needed.

"It is not irrational to do more scientific investigation to determine, which we have not done significantly enough, whether or not there are any things that relate to whether it's a gateway drug or not," Biden said.

Several of his top Democratic rivals in the race have thrown their support behind legalizing marijuana, which is currently classified as a Schedule I substance, which the Drug Enforcement Administration defines as drugs “with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” Other Schedule I drugs include heroin and LSD.

Biden’s campaign previously noted the former vice president would reschedule the substance as a Schedule II drug to aid in researching its health impacts.

Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) have all said they would make marijuana legal on a federal level if elected president.
So much for Joe... State by state is a boneheaded idea, it's legal in one state and they still have the death penalty on the books for it in another.
Biden says he won't legalize marijuana because it may be a 'gateway drug'
BY OWEN DAUGHERTY - 11/17/19 07:23 PM EST

Former Vice President Joe Biden defended his reasoning to not legalize marijuana on a federal level if elected president, saying there is not “enough evidence” as to “whether or not it is a gateway drug.”

Speaking at a town hall in Las Vegas on Saturday, the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate said whether the U.S. should legalize cannabis on a federal level is still up for debate as far as he is concerned.

“The truth of the matter is, there’s not nearly been enough evidence that has been acquired as to whether or not it is a gateway drug,” Biden said, according to Business Insider. “It’s a debate, and I want a lot more before I legalize it nationally. I want to make sure we know a lot more about the science behind it.”

Biden, as he has throughout his time on the campaign trail, said he supports medical marijuana and insisted possession of the substance "should not be a crime."

But he also said Saturday that he thinks the decision to legalize marijuana should be left up to individual states.

“States should be able to make a judgment to legalize marijuana,” he said at the town hall.

As for legalization on a federal level, Biden said more research is needed.

"It is not irrational to do more scientific investigation to determine, which we have not done significantly enough, whether or not there are any things that relate to whether it's a gateway drug or not," Biden said.

Several of his top Democratic rivals in the race have thrown their support behind legalizing marijuana, which is currently classified as a Schedule I substance, which the Drug Enforcement Administration defines as drugs “with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” Other Schedule I drugs include heroin and LSD.

Biden’s campaign previously noted the former vice president would reschedule the substance as a Schedule II drug to aid in researching its health impacts.

Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) have all said they would make marijuana legal on a federal level if elected president.

He's always hated weed. I'd still vote for the idiot over the orange menace any day though but would prefer a less corporate dem.