Has anyone here even read the scripture? It overrides all prop 215 and medical prescriptions and amends it with Prop 19
It states that if legalized anyone can grow a 5 X 5 footprint and that is alloted on a per-household basis. Which completely cuts back on the amount you can have if you and your friend both have a prescription, or if you and your friends start a collective. Prop 19 will completely over-ride that. This means that EVERYTHING associated with growing is placed in that 5X5 footprint. Your plants, grow room, rez's, lights, nutrients, everything... Not real likely.
Also it states that you cannot smoke in a "Common" area. Unfortunately it is very loosely stated. So it is technically illegal to smoke in an apartment if you share a wall with someone under that is under the age of 18 under. Prop 19 sucks ass.
It also amends the law to say that instead of your normal 8 ozs you can carry with a cannabis card. It limits it to 1 oz. another shitty part for anyone that grows.
Prop 19 was designed and created to cut out all small time growers. It limits the amount you can grow, the amount you can posses, the area in which you use your medicine to simply allow for more commercial growing to occur.
Prop 19 was funded and written on Oakland California, where they are already to implement commercial licensing.. At an application cost of $5000.00 and an implementation fee of $210,000.000
If you already have a cannabis card, like growing, or carry more than an oz at anytime, prop 19 is useless. And if you aren't make up some bs excuse, pay 80 bucks and go get one!