• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

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Active Member
theres really not much to say beyond "you cant please all of the people all of the time". those of us voting yes see it as a STEP in the right direction TOWARDS ending prohibition. not one person has claimed this to be a stop-gap or end-all-be-all or even a great bill. its merely an attempt at progress. its still far better than what is currently in place for non mmj patients.

you may not like it because it hurts your business.... sorry for you, why do i need to suffer for you? both are selfish mindsets and should be put aside. take a step back and ponder , if you can, just a few of the implications this has statewide... nationwide... globally... its going to effect far more than the few of you who selfishly hold out because "its not good enough for you".


Well-Known Member
Prop 19 is written just fine, it's SOME people's personal interpretations that NEED to be cleared up.

INSULT the formerly, self-proclaimed "RULER of the UNIVERSE?
Now why on earth would a "belligerent", "asshole", who "needs large text to feel I'm getting somewhere" like ME,
"TRY" to find ways to insult YOU?

Look fdd, you and I are diametrically opposed on this issue, you're not changing and sure as hell, neither am I.
The dialog between us is ugly and personal, and will serve NO positive purpose to the issue at hand.
On November 2, OUR votes will cancel each other, and that is case closed for OUR direct input.
You should continue to try to convince others of the rightness of your position and I will do the same for my position.
Good luck & good grow.......BB

wooooo hooooooo!!!!!!!

i win.



Well-Known Member
theres really not much to say beyond "you cant please all of the people all of the time". those of us voting yes see it as a STEP in the right direction TOWARDS ending prohibition. not one person has claimed this to be a stop-gap or end-all-be-all or even a great bill. its merely an attempt at progress. its still far better than what is currently in place for non mmj patients.

you may not like it because it hurts your business.... sorry for you, why do i need to suffer for you? both are selfish mindsets and should be put aside. take a step back and ponder , if you can, just a few of the implications this has statewide... nationwide... globally... its going to effect far more than the few of you who selfishly hold out because "its not good enough for you".
who are you talking to? :neutral:


Active Member
i apologize if it seemed like an attack on anyone in particular, just a desire to push people to look beyond themselves and seek out more information than opinions and others translations.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
sorry that was a generalized statement after reading through the thread... is it out of context?
Forget about it Tee, SOME folks get REAL touchy when you elude to a "profit motive" as the source of their Nay saying, LOL.
Good luck & good grow.......BB


Well-Known Member
That's not a problem for me. I don't have any kids or major expenses. I'm quite happy being a small business owner.
And yet you lobby for a system to increase your profits. Nice consistency.

Why is everyone making a profit off of cannabis a douche? Every grower and dispensary owner is a douche?
Way to fail at reading again. Your perpensity for allness statements is truly frightening. You honestly think that growers or dispensary owners can be characterized by blanket statements? I'd say it's sad that someone has to explain why profiteering is a bad thing to you, but frankly, I can't really say I expect better from you.

What if I profit off of something else, am I still a douche then? Are all business owners in America a douche? Is your local baker a douche if his business makes a profit? grow the fuck up.
Yes, Danny-boy... profiteering is bad regardless of the product, service or goods being exchanged. This whole "everyone else is doing it" mantra you have going is pretty indicative that I'm not the one who needs to grow up here, lad.

I haven't called you anything. You're the only one doing that here.
Quite frankly, I can't be arsed to do a search to look up appropriate links to prove the shenanigans of that statement, but whatever. I'll pretend that it's true. You may (or may not) have refrain from overtly calling myself or anyone else "names". But you've had no problems with making inferences and all sorts of blanket statements regarding the character and intent of those who oppose this proposition.

Why am I greedy for wanting to have a legal business, but those who make high profits off of cannabis being illegal are being "compassionate"? That's a load of crap.
And there we go with the "legal" and "legitimate" business again. For someone who claims to be in the current industry, you sure don't have a very positive view of your current enterprise. Once again, yes... there are douche-types that are in the industry that take advantage of people. The proposition doesn't remove them, just sets the bar for them to be douches legitimately.

Profiteering is what is going on now. There is over 1000% markup on cannabis currently from the time it's grow to the time it is sold in a dispensary. Yeah, that's real compassionate. lol. And I'm evil and greedy for wanting to put an end to that system.
No, for wanting to replace it with the same profiteering and gouging but under a retail model. Yes, there's a shit load of markup because there's far too many middlemen between growers and clients. Prop. 19 is nothing but middlemen and fees to be added between growers and clients. And once again, just because you and everyone you know are dishonorable enough to apply egregious overhead and profit margins doesn't mean that no one else is capable of doing better. I personally know that the people I take care of and provide for are treated fairly. Prop. 19 does nothing and says nothing to put an end to ANY of the unjust profiteering at all.

Again. Voting for prop 19 isn't a vote to keep them in jail. That's a bunch of bullshit.
I didn't say it was a vote to keep them in jail. But, it does leave them there while you get to set up your legitimate business and profit. And that's the point, Danny-boy... try and follow it this time. No one is saying you put them there or even want to leave them there. What I am saying is that you are primarily concerned with your profit line at the expense of those that this proposition excludes and forgets. The only bullshit here is how easily placated your conscience is by the prospect of making money without having to worry about becoming one of those languishing away.

lol. What a bunch of crap. Just because you refer to your profits as compensation doesn't make it any different. You clearly just want to keep prohibition because of your own greed. You're making so much money off of prohibition being in place you're just afraid prohibition will interfere with your profits.
Nice inference. Of course, like much of the crap you spout, it's completely erroneous. In fact, like others have mentioned, I stand to make a fair amount of profit should Prop. 19 pass. Your desperation to prove that anyone who opposes you is as bad or worse than you are is just sad. I have no concerns with my finances and am quite content with the moderate life I live, but it's quite clear that you are willing to expand your profits no matter the consequences.

Prop 19 doesn't establish profiteering. Profiteering is what you're doing now. You just support prohibition because you're afraid other people can provide a superior product at a lower price.
Ohnoes! You found me outs... I can't makes da bomb herbs. Seriously... this is just pathetic. But, then again, context counts for everything and I must consider the source. But, the personal attacks in lieu of effective argument are still just sad pathetic dodges. You're right, Prop. 19 doesn't establish profiteering. It legitimizes it.

Just because you use the word compensation instead of profit doesn't make you morally superior. You make the profits you make because of prohibition. Prohibition is the reason for $400 ounces and $60 8ths. You support that system only because you're the one profiting off of it.
OK, sure. If that makes you feel better, then why not. I know it's a crock of shit, so it's no skin off my nose. If you really can't tell the difference between profiteering and reasonable compensation, then that's your problem. But keep pulling stupid, useless numbers out of your arse and pretending to care about anything else but your profits. I still think you need a chalkboard to go with the whole act. Maybe a banner in your signature from Goldline.

But go ahead, keep talking down to me for wanting to put an end to this systematic price gouging. Say whatever you have to say to keep raking in that cash. lol. hypocrite.
Yes, you are quite hypocritical. Keep blathering on about how much you hate the price gouging out one side of your face, while bemoaning your desire to make more profits out the other.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Of course I reply! Are YOU so fucking "full of yourself" that you would think otherwise? You think "woooo hooo.....I win" would reduce me to tears, run away, never to heard from again? What a colossal piece of work you are! I'm here and plan to watch and contribute to this thread as long as possible.
Now, if I have violated some "unwritten" R.I.U. site rule that states: Thou shalt not "ruffle" the fiddys feathers, on pain of banishment, then truly I'm lost. On the other hand, it would be OK too. Let the entire forum see you as the "fairminded, even handed",
moderator that you are. So, unless and until I get "disappeared", I'm right here, waiting, watching, and ready to post against any and all BS lies, distortions, and self-serving mis truths regarding prop 19....BB

And to your "Lackey", YES....NO kidding!!!


Well-Known Member
Of course I reply! Are YOU so fucking "full of yourself" that you would think otherwise? You think "woooo hooo.....I win" would reduce me to tears, run away, never to heard from again? What a colossal piece of work you are! I'm here and plan to watch and contribute to this thread as long as possible.
Now, if I have violated some "unwritten" R.I.U. site rule that states: Thou shalt not "ruffle" the fiddys feathers, on pain of banishment, then truly I'm lost. On the other hand, it would be OK too. Let the entire forum see you as the "fairminded, even handed",
moderator that you are. So, unless and until I get "disappeared", I'm right here, waiting, watching, and ready to post against any and all BS lies, distortions, and self-serving mis truths regarding prop 19....BB

And to your "Lackey", YES....NO kidding!!!
you would have thought that by now you would have figured out i am simply bored with all this and trying to get a rise out of you.

i win again.



Well-Known Member
Can someone just explain how it will effect current medicinal growers, will we be confined to the 5x5 area the same as others not under a doctors recommendation? Will the cities or counties be able to charge excessive taxes on personal medical grows? I would really like legalization but I need to know for sure how it will effect the medical community, I keep hearing that we would be exempt from these taxes and medicinal growers have nothing to worry about, but then I hear the opposite, does anyone actually no for sure. My biggest issue is easily the 5x5 area deal, if that applies to medical grows then Im for sure against this bill, if the medicinal rights I have under prop 215 wont be affected and I will be able to grow what I do now, which is purely for my own use, then Im all for the bill, but I need to know how and if it will restrict the rights I already have under prop 215, no sense in giving rights I already have. My hope is the existing medical patients will be exempt from the restricted growing area, and that will just be the law for the guy who grows purely for recreational use or selling his small crop.


Well-Known Member
Can someone just explain how it will effect current medicinal growers, will we be confined to the 5x5 area the same as others not under a doctors recommendation? Will the cities or counties be able to charge excessive taxes on personal medical grows? I would really like legalization but I need to know for sure how it will effect the medical community, I keep hearing that we would be exempt from these taxes and medicinal growers have nothing to worry about, but then I hear the opposite, does anyone actually no for sure. My biggest issue is easily the 5x5 area deal, if that applies to medical grows then Im for sure against this bill, if the medicinal rights I have under prop 215 wont be affected and I will be able to grow what I do now, which is purely for my own use, then Im all for the bill, but I need to know how and if it will restrict the rights I already have under prop 215, no sense in giving rights I already have. My hope is the existing medical patients will be exempt from the restricted growing area, and that will just be the law for the guy who grows purely for recreational use or selling his small crop.
19 will and already has opened the doors to make it ok to tax the shit out of everything pot related.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Yes, Danny-boy... profiteering is bad regardless of the product, service or goods being exchanged. This whole "everyone else is doing it" mantra you have going is pretty indicative that I'm not the one who needs to grow up here, lad.
lol. Ok then. Making a profit is bad no matter what. Every business owner in America is evil. I guess that makes me a terrible person. Yeah, this country would be such a better place if no one had a job.

But I guess since you call your profits "compensation" that makes you just a little bit better than everyone else. good for you.
19 will and already has opened the doors to make it ok to tax the shit out of everything pot related.
and a majority saying no to marijuana in november may well open the door to more and more restrictions on medical marijuana. we have a card now but we have to renew it and that is where the current system we all appreciate could be amended. a conservative backlash is already out there screaming they are taking back america. do you think they are unaware of how easy it is to get and renew a card?


Well-Known Member
lol. Ok then. Making a profit is bad no matter what. Every business owner in America is evil.
Way to miss the point again, Danny-boy. It's fairly obvious that you can't make the difference between for-profit and reasonable compensation. I won't bother you with the intricacies of the direct correlations that those diametrically opposite market models have on the production systems they inherently invoke. Since you can't seem to pay attention to more than a few years of history and legal precedent, I fully realize the futility of such an endeavor.

I guess that makes me a terrible person.
No, we went over that, too. Your willingness to ignore the lack of legislation for those already imprisoned and to exclude a segment of the population without just cause is despicable. The fact that your primary motivation is to gain a profit-bearing business makes you terrible.

Yeah, this country would be such a better place if no one had a job.
Sweet... belief in the trickle-down theory of economics. How very 80's of you. Of course, now that I think about it, the number of times you've repeatedly told people that they don't need more than an ounce or a garden larger than 5'x5' is very reminiscent of Reagan's anti-drug campaign speeches admonishing pot-smokers to be "the generation without a crutch".

But I guess since you call your profits "compensation" that makes you just a little bit better than everyone else. good for you.
And you always make the assumption of profits on my behalf. I don't profit off anyone I have dealings with. But, then again, I deal directly with my clients and rarely deal with middlemen. And yes, it does make me a better person for dealing fairly and not trying to profit off of people. I wouldn't say it makes me better than everyone else, but at least I can say this isn't about profit for me no matter how much you want to believe that it is.


Well-Known Member
and a majority saying no to marijuana in november may well open the door to more and more restrictions on medical marijuana. we have a card now but we have to renew it and that is where the current system we all appreciate could be amended. a conservative backlash is already out there screaming they are taking back america. do you think they are unaware of how easy it is to get and renew a card?
Nice baseless supposition there. If 19 isn't voted in, nothing changes. But, good try. I was afraid we'd go a whole page without some truly empty fear-mongering rhetoric. That's like an episode of Springer without a fight... what would be the point.


Well-Known Member
Will prop19 make existing medicinal growers adhere to the 5x5 growing space? Anyone who knows at all about growing outdoors will know that one decent size plant will easily exceed those dimensions, even for indoor growers thats just a tiny little area. That is my main concern, but the idea of these unspecified taxes that can be imposed by cities/counties could simply be outrageous in order to limit the people who could afford to pay. Already in the county Im from up north, Tehama county, passed a deal that people who owned over 160acres could grow the state limit of 99plants outdoors, but anyone who had 20acres or less could only grow 6 plants per property, not per liscense but property, just goes to show that growing isnt really the issue, it more they want certain(wealthier) people to be able to grow huge amounts, all this has occured after the kelly decision and they freaked thinking smaller growers were all going to go balls out with huge gardens, we are allowed to grow/possess any amount that we can prove is for personal medical use as the law stands now after the kelly decision. Im not one who has scoured through prop19 but just from what Ive heard there just too many unknown variables that could come back to screw people, and I understand the argument that regardless its a step in the right direction, while legalization is a great step, not when it includes giving unregulated power to individual counties/cities...maybe Im not understanding things correctly but what if the county wanted $1000-$2000 tax for an outdoor garden to be cultivated, I just dont know what all could happen. I STILL WANT TO KNOW IF PROP19 WILL AFFECT EXISTING MEDICAL PATIENTS AS FAR AS LIMITTING MY GROWING SPACE OR UN-JUSTIFIED TAXES?
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