• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Vote NDP Canadians!


Well-Known Member
Well clearly you A: HAvent been paying attention and
B: know little to nothing about how the Canadian parliment works.

I don't blame you. I didnt pay attention in High School either, but overtime I learned how ignorant I was.

So the NDP did not win enough seats to keep them in check. The Conservatives won a MAJORITY. Which means they have a green light to do whatever the hell they want. The last 6 or so years they were under a MINORITY which means they are held in check by the other parties who have some power. Now those parties have no say, NONE. Even if they get together as a gang they still have NO POWER. No matter what happens 60% of Canadians have abseloutly no say in what happens in parliment.

With regards to your statement about the "other" tories helping to keep the tories in check, please be realistic. Oh and do some research as all the Tories already voted against these issues but it was the opposition that said "go fuck yourself" when they had some power. Look part of Harpers campaign platform was how he would fast track a mega bill full of all the right wing crazy crap that got shot down over the last 4 years if he were given a majority.

Please elaborate on the comment "public health care sucks". I am interested to hear about your international and national knowledge of social medicine.
Ok first of a great big fuck you, you really dont need to start out as a complete prick did you? Im not in high school and i understand that they have a majority but you dont know how the NEW conseravtive seats will vote.And as for healthcare i just meant the wait times and the fact that it isnt free for me ok it doesnt suck but needs alot of improvement


Active Member
Ok first of a great big fuck you, you really dont need to start out as a complete prick did you? Im not in high school and i understand that they have a majority but you dont know how the NEW conseravtive seats will vote.And as for healthcare i just meant the wait times and the fact that it isnt free for me ok it doesnt suck but needs alot of improvement
Im sorry if I came off a dick but my points still stand. Also I never claimed you were in high school. I simply stated that I didnt pay attention in high school just like everybody else.

If you think the new conservatives are just going to be some rogue agents your nuts. They are plants, just like the rest of them......yes men (no women allowed). 100% of them voted with the party on nearly every issue, they knew if they went against the party on even a single issue they would be sacked. (see Guirguis or whatever her name was)

Ofcourse health care needs improvement, which is exaclty why spending 100 billion dollars on fighter jets to protect the high arctic that wont work in the high arctic and countless billions on mega prisons is a waste of money.
With that said I have lots of experience with the US health care system and Canadas. Both are broken, but I'll take Canada's any day hands down.


Well-Known Member
Alright i think we got off on the wrong foot i wasnt even saying your point was wrong just that we dont exactly know.Yes they do usually vote with the party i was just thinkg new seats in more liberal ridings may not go along.

Why do u say the fighters wont work i think protecting the arctic is pretty important given its resources but i never heard they wont work.

Ill take ours system as well


Well-Known Member
I doubt we will ever be free of high blood pressure in politics forums.

I think this is a fair thread on the developing Canadian.

It's that WTO and massive capital investment in the world police infrastructure.

I remember that once we build free-ways and schools and were proud now we build prisons and poverty.

So is it fair then to see the results as more in line with American political affairs? The Left and Rightness of our Government?

I am not judging. I think I see a connection to the two systems and how they may function at this current day and time and as a joke I would suggest that our USA is more parliamentary in it's divisions than Canada looks to be at this time to me. :mrgreen:

The solid fact is Commerce is a non-started for us all when it comes to legalization.
I just wonder if Home-grown ( like homespun cloths was for Gandhi ) will be what really changes the Empire.
I wonder if Canada will allow private horticulture?

Okay I don't have more on Canada and I actually learned more reading this thread than I knew.

Be Well.. I'm job hunting and busy. Maybe I can get a burger job if I am lucky..

Chad Sexington

Active Member
Why do u say the fighters wont work i think protecting the arctic is pretty important given its resources but i never heard they wont work.
Because the JSF or CF-35 is a single engine aircraft, single engine air craft are not suitable for what will be needed of the aircraft in the arctic. There are also other aircraft that can do the same things that would be cheaper to purchase, 9billion for the 60 jets is not very fiscally conservative. Why did the Progressive Conservatives have to join up with these Reform party twats.

Chad Sexington

Active Member
What, It isn't a fighter jet, it is a multi role aircraft, (wich is code for not doing anything very well) they should purchase some f-22s (actual fighters) if they want to drop 150m per jet. Plus what happens when that 1 engine goes out while you are in the air? You're fucked and the taxpayer is out 150m. Deifenbaker would be rolling over in his grave.


Well-Known Member

This Democracy Now segment seems good coverage on Canada.


Active Member
Why do u say the fighters wont work i think protecting the arctic is pretty important given its resources but i never heard they wont work.
As Chad mentioned the single engine is a big big issue. The CF-18's taught us that the Canadian millitary needs dual engine planes. If you lose an engine over the US there are literally thousands of air strips you can glide to. In Canada we are 95% wilderness. Chances are if you can't make it back to the airstrip you took off from you are crashing into the bush/mountains. This becomes particularly dangerous in the arctic as you can imagine how hard it would be for a pilot ejecting into an arctic winter at night.

It gets far worse than that though. We are paying a huge premium for stealth technology. Stealth technology is primarily used for offence, attacking. Its a strange option to be paying for a plane that is supposedly supposed to take a defensive role. On top of that because we have no arctic air bases the planes will have to dawn huge wing mounted fuel tanks to be able to patrol the arctic. These fuel tanks will make the plane highly visible to radar, thus eliminating the stealth capabilities.

The Pentagon released a report at the end of April esentially recommending the US government pull out of the deal. It basically states there is no way the project will come in under triple the quoted price. It also talks about the current devestating problems the planes are having and the fact that Northrup Grumman plans over 10,000 modifications to the plane between now and 2016.

A story on that report can be found here its a good read: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/f-35-service-costs-may-be-more-than-double-ottawas-estimate/article1998507/

Oh and Chad the price for the planes is 35 billion, not 9 billion. However it looks as if by the time we receive the planes it will be over 100 billion.

Basically they had a choice between the Raptor, which actually flies and functions for 100 billion bucks or an artists rendering of a plane glued onto a peice of cardboard for a magical price of 35 billion. After many lobster dinners and cheese and wine meetings they picked the 35 billion dollar peice of cardboard.


Active Member
Theres a great video interview out there of our defence minister replying to a question about what happens when the one engine fails. His answer was "the engine will never fail. Next question please."

I'm seriously pissed off at the Canadians who voted Conservative, but even more so at those who voted Liberal! If you idiots had voted NDP, the NDP would have had a majority! I wish I could say I'm surprised at the outcome of the election, but honestly I'm not. The majority of the Canadian population is naive, ignorant, and just flat out stupid enough to vote for this tyrant Harper. What the fuck is wrong with the Canadian public? Seriously you pathetic idiots, why don't you read a book once in a while instead of building your IQ through watching The Hills! Maybe if you were literate you could have read the NDP's platform!

Screw you conservative voters! The only thing that brings me peace is the fact that within the next decade the majority of those of you who voted Conservative will be 6 feet under! Why? Because you're all stupid old people!


New Member
What, It isn't a fighter jet, it is a multi role aircraft, (wich is code for not doing anything very well) they should purchase some f-22s (actual fighters) if they want to drop 150m per jet. Plus what happens when that 1 engine goes out while you are in the air? You're fucked and the taxpayer is out 150m. Deifenbaker would be rolling over in his grave.
still as a peace keeping country do we need that type of jet and as for your quote single engine them F22's are a vicious jet but again can drop out of the sky like any other being the computor flys it if comp fails jet will litterally drop out of the sky
i agree with our outdated jets we need a upgrade but do we really need that high end

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
What we need to do is sweep the house and senate with Democrats and then invite the Canadians who don't want to live there anymore. They can teach us how to be polite and say aboot. :p



Well-Known Member
I'm seriously pissed off at the Canadians who voted Conservative, but even more so at those who voted Liberal! If you idiots had voted NDP, the NDP would have had a majority! I wish I could say I'm surprised at the outcome of the election, but honestly I'm not. The majority of the Canadian population is naive, ignorant, and just flat out stupid enough to vote for this tyrant Harper. What the fuck is wrong with the Canadian public? Seriously you pathetic idiots, why don't you read a book once in a while instead of building your IQ through watching The Hills! Maybe if you were literate you could have read the NDP's platform!

Screw you conservative voters! The only thing that brings me peace is the fact that within the next decade the majority of those of you who voted Conservative will be 6 feet under! Why? Because you're all stupid old people!
And the NDP was gonna save us hahaha


Well-Known Member
look im in no way a strong conservative party supporter but the NDP was gonna bring about as much positve change as obama


Active Member
as much positve change as obama
OK thats a whole other thread. He aint perfect but he has led one of the most effective governments in US history during one the countries most...........contriversial and difficult times.

Look, Canada is filthy rich. We have all the water, all the treess, all the mineral resources, all the land and even a ton of oil. The average Canadian should be comfortable, healthy and middle class. Yest the opposite is true and the middle class has been on a consistent slow death.

My point is why do people think a left leaning government will bankrupt the country and send all to the food bank line over night? This country was built on left of center values. Social medicine, social services , fire fighters that dont present you with a quote prior to extinguishing your house etc etc. One of the reasons we survived the economic meltdown of 2008 was because of these values. You see people from around the world desperatley want to live here because of those very values. So we let large amounts of wealthy immigrants in, biringing their cash and economic contribution.

Since we have started to lean right of center (US included) the attack on the middle class has intensified. Where is this all going to take us? What about the future? Our Kids, our gand kids? WHo really cares about us anyway? We dont matter, we are already alive. The only thing that matter is the future and what they will inherit.

We have been going down this road for some time with AMerica leading the way. These leasons have all been learned the hard way by the average American. yet we are happy to jump in face first in the name of "Economic Stability".

One definition of "crazy" is to do the same thing over and over expecting different results each time.

We are fucking crazy.


Well-Known Member
I agree Canada is rich in natrual resources and space all things that will become even more important in the near future and needs to be handled properly.And as for left or right ive always thought the answer was in the middle.As you said we were built on left of center values so we have a pretty good structure of social services they just need more cash.Obviously a healthy middle class is gonna contributentax money as well as releave some of the pressure on government services. But we need more good paying jobs not more government