Vortex vs Cheese Quake stability


Active Member
I know Sub recommends Vortex to anyone running his gear for many... reasons, one of them being stability. Seems like one out of two females is a keeper with Vortex. Question is if you could only order 13 beans, and wanted Vortex and Cheese Quake, what ratio would you get? Conservatively I'm thinking 6 Vortex and 7 Cheese Quake, but if Vortex is very stabile, maybe an order of 4 Vortex and 9 Cheese Quake would get a keeper of each. Sorry if this sounds silly with such a small sample size and genetic variability. Just trying to maximize efficiency. Peace and Love


Well-Known Member
if you like growing big nugs I would suggest not growing the vortex. tiny nugs and lots of trimming. I'm still growing some vortex but looking forward to taking it out of the rotation. The only plus side to my vortex grow is the great hash I made form all of those tiny little nugs.


Well-Known Member
I would get a 5 pack of each and use pick and mix for the extra three
and it would cost over 125 bucks

Or I would go to Sannies and get 35 beans for my 100 dollars


Active Member
Thanks for reply. Rep is increased...poof. Just looking for ratio of each, probably will go with 5 Vortex and 8 Cheese Quake unless given more info. Yield is not the driving factor in my decision, though its nice. I’m looking for keepers of each. For me a keeper is special high, taste and flavor. Thanks again and happy new years. Peace and love
I just wanted to add that bud size, shape, etc is more about your grow style. If you take a vortex and either let it grow untopped, or top early and train into a 4 way cola. Remove all the lower stuff, either style, no popcorn buds, do it all right, and you will get big buds off of nearly any strain. Also, give it at least a month after topping before flowering, and your bud size will be better.


New Member
I just wanted to add that bud size, shape, etc is more about your grow style. If you take a vortex and either let it grow untopped, or top early and train into a 4 way cola. Remove all the lower stuff, either style, no popcorn buds, do it all right, and you will get big buds off of nearly any strain. Also, give it at least a month after topping before flowering, and your bud size will be better.
bud size, shape, etc, has, A LOT to do with genetics too. not 'more' about style. Im guess grow style, IMO, is 50% of it. genetics play a key role.

cant comment on vortex, but my cheese quake have grown huge, and look very similar (subtle differences. not huge pheno distinctions yet). im growing 5, and abut 8weeks into veg.


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to add that bud size, shape, etc is more about your grow style. If you take a vortex and either let it grow untopped, or top early and train into a 4 way cola. Remove all the lower stuff, either style, no popcorn buds, do it all right, and you will get big buds off of nearly any strain. Also, give it at least a month after topping before flowering, and your bud size will be better.
I disagree. The small bud pheno of vortex is not going to grow you a big bud, it's just not in the genetics.


Active Member
bud size, shape, etc, has, A LOT to do with genetics too. not 'more' about style. Im guess grow style, IMO, is 50% of it. genetics play a key role.

cant comment on vortex, but my cheese quake have grown huge, and look very similar (subtle differences. not huge pheno distinctions yet). im growing 5, and abut 8weeks into veg.
Thanks for the info, I was hoping to hear that Cheese Quake was also a stable strain. I'll probably go for 8 Cheese Quake and 5 Vortex, if everything is still in stock by Friday.

I agree bud size and shape is largely influenced by genetics, but good yields have a lot to do with growing methodology. Haven't we all been fooled at least once with a small plant grown by seed, but when cloned with long veg and pruning turned into a big bush. Peace and love


Well-Known Member
Hey there alnpat,
1st off just gotta say I love that Stewie avatar. I have no experience with Cheesequake, but from my experience with Vortex seeds, 5 will be plenty to give you a great keeper. I actually found 3 girls out of 6 in Vortex that I would call keepers. I'd be interested to see what 8 Cheesequake beans bring ya! :)


Active Member
Hey there alnpat,
1st off just gotta say I love that Stewie avatar. I have no experience with Cheesequake, but from my experience with Vortex seeds, 5 will be plenty to give you a great keeper. I actually found 3 girls out of 6 in Vortex that I would call keepers. I'd be interested to see what 8 Cheesequake beans bring ya! :)
Wow, thanks for the input. Seems like with limited resources (13 beans), if I’m not unlucky, I'll see keepers of each. Sub's genetics are pretty darn stable.

My only experience with Plushberry was with a 10 pack that gave 5/5 F/M, one male keeper (very short and slow to maturity) and two main phenos for the ladies. They all showed some purple calyxes but the keeper also had some pink calyxes on the bottom of the plant, was short and completely white with resin. The other pheno was a notch below in potency, but had a unusual sour fuel smell. A Very consistent and easy grow, but looking for something a little stronger.

FYI crossed Cataract Kush lady with Plushberry dude. 6 ladies vegging with 2 observed pheno (bigger and smaller). Time will tell... Peace and love :peace:


Active Member
[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]Out of a 5 pack of Cheesequake...threw one out because it lagged behind the others, 3/4 of the remaining turned out to be female. About 2 weeks into flower and I'm not really getting the cheesy Danish smell from the description, it's more of a musky orange, quite delicious actually :grin:[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
Trust me.. with 13 Subcool beans your gonna find a couple keepers.. A 10 pack of Cheese Quake gave three Moms that are hard as hell to figure out the one to keep between them.. One's a real producer, the other two not as much but have there own special quality's. There were 6 F and 4 M's.

Out of a 10 pack of Vortex I ended up with two keepers.. (Every one of the females could of been keepers tho) It came down to 2 pheno's of this one. One is pretty leafy.. But has such an awesome taste (lemon pepper yummyness.. and was also a smaller budded pheno) The other has very little to trim.. in fact almost none, minus the fan leaves. This one has a bigger bud profile.. although it is still not an indica.. I will say though that they produce very well.. lots of popcorn sized nugs that still fill the jar up. I can't remember the M/F ratio on this one but I know we had at least 4 females to choose from.

Happy Hunting :)


Active Member
Thanks for the info, as Sub stated in another thread, Vortex and Cheese Quake are some of his most stable strains. So the waiting game is in full effect. Patients is a virtue...Peace and Love:peace:


Active Member
Trust me.. with 13 Subcool beans your gonna find a couple keepers.. A 10 pack of Cheese Quake gave three Moms that are hard as hell to figure out the one to keep between them.. One's a real producer, the other two not as much but have there own special quality's. There were 6 F and 4 M's.

Out of a 10 pack of Vortex I ended up with two keepers.. (Every one of the females could of been keepers tho) It came down to 2 pheno's of this one. One is pretty leafy.. But has such an awesome taste (lemon pepper yummyness.. and was also a smaller budded pheno) The other has very little to trim.. in fact almost none, minus the fan leaves. This one has a bigger bud profile.. although it is still not an indica.. I will say though that they produce very well.. lots of popcorn sized nugs that still fill the jar up. I can't remember the M/F ratio on this one but I know we had at least 4 females to choose from.

Happy Hunting :)
yea that's the situation I'm in with my cq ...3 females each just a little bit different as far as size/ leaf shape go...How did you end up making your final decision? Or did you keep all 3?


Well-Known Member
So far all 3 are being kept until they can be run at a couple places a few times. Then we will decide which one to narrow down to.. So far Vortex and Chernobyl Both have 2 keepers each that will be sticking around for some time... A little more time will tell on the CQ's :)


Active Member
All 3 of my phenos smell delicious. However, one stands out...all it's leaves have the double serrated edge that the cheese hybrids are supposed to be known for...and it smells about 10x stronger and more floral than the others at 21 days