voodoo, piranha, tarantula AN

Many people would rather spend their money than their time. Marketing/capitalism are powerful tools. In this day and age, information is free and easy to come by. Motivation is the factor. I’ve learned so much from ROI in just a few months of lurking and reading an hour or 2 a day about Organics. Walking into a hydro store with a debit card and a list of buzz-word additives with pretty pictures, I thought I knew everything. I could tell you every AN product and identify them from across the room. I knew what they claimed to do, but nothing about what was inside or how they worked. I spent so much fucking money, saying “finally, I’m gonna do it right this time, no shortcuts” - running to the hydro store every week to get a new bottle for another weird and unexplained deficiency. So many issues, so many products, so little logical sense…. 20 years later, I’m happy to be an eager listener and student, realizing that the process of gaining knowledge and perfecting your craft never stops. Currently working through my first organic setup with a water distiller - having flushed and converted my locked-out, death-soil, full of softened-water salt, into an attempt at a living soil. It’s a process, but my garden is healthier than it’s ever been, and it looks like the cost is going to be less per run. Current project - reading about making LABS and ferments.