
midwest reefer

Well-Known Member
Probably has something to do with the momentary increase in blood pressure. Moves shit through your system faster getting things started.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
MDMA makes me puke 2 ... hight initial dose ... but once you throw your cookies ....woohaa ....
best rush ever !!


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Since we have a VOMITING thread ... I figure ... I contribute.
Been Playing with new samples of K . Got a bit greedy ... in my bump
guesstimates ... and had to go.

All was great ... then I went HI-FI-DIGITAL



Well-Known Member
i dont enjoy vomiting but i like knowing that if im tripping or something that as soon as im done, its gonna be just amazing. shrooms are the only thing that ive ever had that really effected me in that way.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Well you can't compare ... these two animals ... unless you are playing recreationally for shits and giggles ...
K to L = submarine to race car



Well-Known Member
I've always had stomach problems. I had my gall bladder taken out last year, and I suffer from near constant nausea. Cannabis does wonders for me in that department.

I puke almost every time I eat shrooms, if I drink mushroom tea I don't get sick, but chewing them nearly always involves puking later. Recently I ate mushrroms after fasting for a day and puked up an entire toilet full of black shit during the trip. The black shit was a deeply felt and understood metaphor in the way the darkness was voided from me, and the trip kicked into hyper speed afterward.

Mescaline made me puke my guts out about 2 1/2 hours after I ate it, only then did the trip even start. It didn't stop for a day and a half though.

I've never puked on acid, but I have gotten the shits after eating paper acid a couple times.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I seem to always throw up everytime i dose, i would say it always seem's to intensify the trip in one way, but relax away my body load in another... Hence why i generally welcome throwing up when tripping... Although it can be pretty intense if your peaking.