That's the kind of shit that calls for skillful deployment of a seam ripper.Yeah, it's just adult male dressup with rituals and formalized invented language. One time he was in a cajoling mood, so I said "You are adults for chrissakes, you play dressup like little girls". He protested, so I reminded him when I was 11 yr and he threw away my cowboy clothes cuz I was too old for that.
They are active in various charity things tho, so that's good
Worth it cash or no cash. Did it many years, got some levels in, but moved outta Dodge. I'll admit that the first live one was some *freak the fck out* kind of stuff, but after those 2 seconds you remember that you have the most monstrous extension of your personhood at your command and just start blasting sht.Been thinking about becoming one. Anyone else do it? I guess there's like 120 hours of training plus refresher courses every few months. Was told they pay $10 an hour but I'm not doing it for the money.
Anyway, thoughts?
+repIf you're patient, send away for some Gun Culture and grow yer own.
there are plenty things you can do stoned, firefighting aint one of them.The piss test thing worries me, I'm totally doing this otherwise. Just need to figure out how to ask if they do UAs without telling the fire chief I smoke pot. I can understand the operating the heavy equipment under the influence (of alcohol) but I can run circles around almost anybody when I'm stoned as hell.
Completely understandable, just trying to make a point. It's kind of ridiculous that they wouldn't want you helping because you might of had a joint earlier in the week and can't piss clean but most of the other guys will show up hungover as hell. I rarely get "stoned" anymore, usually just smoke enough to calm my nerves, and never enough to incapacitate me.there are plenty things you can do stoned, firefighting aint one of them.
i know your heart is is the right place sir, but stay off the scene stoned.
My idea of stoned these days is a hit or 2 from a one hitter. Maybe more at a concert or baseball game but I'm not looking to get goofy...just relaxed. And I can do pretty much anything 'relaxed'. Getting stoned isn't necessarily the Cheech and Chong stereotype!Completely understandable, just trying to make a point. It's kind of ridiculous that they wouldn't want you helping because you might of had a joint earlier in the week and can't piss clean but most of the other guys will show up hungover as hell. I rarely get "stoned" anymore, usually just smoke enough to calm my nerves, and never enough to incapacitate me.
dude u got that right...u could run circles around me and not be moving at all...but I can run circles around almost anybody.
I did it for 8 years. Best time of my life. You won't regret it. The people you save, and the lives you touch, are the best high you can feel.Been thinking about becoming one. Anyone else do it? I guess there's like 120 hours of training plus refresher courses every few months. Was told they pay $10 an hour but I'm not doing it for the money.
Anyway, thoughts?
well said...hats offI did it for 8 years. Best time of my life. You won't regret it. The people you save, and the lives you touch, are the best high you can feel.
However it does have its downside. If you volunteer in your own town. There is a good probability that some of the dead and injured yiu come across eventually will be friends and family.
Long hours. There is no shift work in volunteer work. Prepare to miss Christmas dinner's, kids birthdays, weddings, vacation, etc
Only reason I stopped is because I got hurt. The last thing you want in a bad situation is another victim
Completely understandable, just trying to make a point. It's kind of ridiculous that they wouldn't want you helping because you might of had a joint earlier in the week and can't piss clean but most of the other guys will show up hungover as hell. I rarely get "stoned" anymore, usually just smoke enough to calm my nerves, and never enough to incapacitate me.
My idea of stoned these days is a hit or 2 from a one hitter. Maybe more at a concert or baseball game but I'm not looking to get goofy...just relaxed. And I can do pretty much anything 'relaxed'. Getting stoned isn't necessarily the Cheech and Chong stereotype!
Similar to Singlemalt, I did it for about 3 years 25 years ago. It was a good experience. Should have stuck with it instead of the whole Leo gig.Been thinking about becoming one. Anyone else do it? I guess there's like 120 hours of training plus refresher courses every few months. Was told they pay $10 an hour but I'm not doing it for the money.
Anyway, thoughts?
youre not a personal trainer.. i remember the pic of your bodyOne of my personal fitness clients had a life-long desire to become a fire fighter. He was a degreed, professional Chemical Engineer. But he had an inner desire to become a volunteer fire fighter on weekends.
So, he went through all the fire fighter training, and loved every minute of it. That is, until the simulated fire fighting at the end of training. He went into a real house burning with a real fire, panicked, ran out of the house, and never wanted to see a fire again. True story, according to him.
But at least he pursued it and found it wasn't for him. He then moved on to another life-long desire of his - to get a private pilot's license. And now he loves flying his plane every weekend.
So go for it. If it doesn't work out, your next dream just might.
What's he selling?Reported as spam.
I would eat thatspam!