Vocabulary/Slang Terms (Updated With the Missing Terms)

Nice DWC! Here is my setup! 2011-07-04_15-43-02_61.jpg2011-07-04_15-43-33_250.jpg2011-07-08_02-10-47_359.jpg2011-07-04_15-41-35_59.jpg2011-06-10_00-04-54_518.jpg
ok so i didnt see the 2 things im wondering about...... so what is IMO? and what is training? how do you train your plant lol (sit stay, bloom LOL)
By tying it down, there are many threads explaining it, but basically you tie down stalks and plants very gently in order to make the plant grow in the direction you want it to grow. Usually best for people with small growing spaces.
Yup, all the same concept. Just someone giving their 2 cents worth on the topic. They may not be an expert, but they're telling you what they heard, or what they've experienced.
I would like to add one
Ph Police=a person who does not know how to interpret plant symptoms but will diagnose a problem as a ph issue.
ph is such a "gray area" and plants only have so many symptoms to present.
Many times I can see burn problems and still others will insist it's ph related.
Ph police have no credentials. Ask them.
A ph police rookie is an absolute noob who hasn't grown anything that couldn't fit on his window sill.
I dunno about the Q, but newbie is sorta self explanatory...and ec seems like it's just missing a t to make it ect...Beyond that, I don't know. Many times people will shorten strain names as a form of short hand with other growers.
You should add "Reservoir"(not exactly sure i spelled that correctly). lol I came to this expecting an answer. like would the bottle you mix ur nutrients and water in be considered a reservoir?
You could use it in that manner, but when I think of a reservoir in terms of growing I think of something at least 5 gallons if not a 30 gallon trash can.

Just my opinion. Almost forgot that movie Reservoir Dogs is pretty good :)

Peace out

You should add "Reservoir"(not exactly sure i spelled that correctly). lol I came to this expecting an answer. like would the bottle you mix ur nutrients and water in be considered a reservoir?
You should add "Reservoir"(not exactly sure i spelled that correctly). lol I came to this expecting an answer. like would the bottle you mix ur nutrients and water in be considered a reservoir?

Yeah, as he said, i'd think of that more of a overall storage place for liquids, water, and or nutes. But not for a bottle you mix nutes in, i'd just call that a....mixing bottle....or something....