smoke and coke
Well-Known Member
This is a long overdue review for the Vivosun 2 in 1 herb trimming tray that on won here on RIU quite some time ago. I won the tray shortly after a harvest so I had to wait for the next. Thanks again @VIVOSUN Official. I finally had a chance to use the trimming tray with my recent harvest. This will be part 1 of the review to just get the thread set up. Part 2 will include more info and photos hopefully this coming weekend.
The trimming kit came with a base tray to catch any kief that gets knocked off. The upper tray has the 150 micron screen and will be the normal working surface while trimming, 2 pair of trimming scissors, a magnifier card, brush, and instructions manual.
Tip- I suggest wiping the brush on your hand and to pull lightly on the brush fibers to get any loose ones that may fall into your flower or kief. Similar to what you would do with a paint brush.

More info coming soon
The trimming kit came with a base tray to catch any kief that gets knocked off. The upper tray has the 150 micron screen and will be the normal working surface while trimming, 2 pair of trimming scissors, a magnifier card, brush, and instructions manual.
Tip- I suggest wiping the brush on your hand and to pull lightly on the brush fibers to get any loose ones that may fall into your flower or kief. Similar to what you would do with a paint brush.

More info coming soon