's 400W Cab O' Fun!

Well-Known Member

This is my first posting in almost two years now. I had a feeling that Overgrow was going to hit the fan so I pulled my profile down about 8 months before she went down in her not-so-glorious ball-of-flames.

What a crazy two years it's been since then.:wall:

I've gone through some personal health struggles, and, although I don't really want to get into it here, have been relatively healthy for the past 9 months, enough so that my doctors have pulled me from pharmaceutical medicine, and prescribed marijuana. They have granted me the ability to grow and posses 24oz of dried cured medicine (what they feel is a 60 day supply), and enough plants as I feel necessary to grow my "60 day supply.":weed:

So with this new found liberation I venture once again out onto the net, to hopefully inspire other medical patients to take their medicine into their own hands (or gardens) :bigjoint:bongsmilie

After doing some very brief searching here I couldn't track down any long threads on cab growing, or any complete overviews on entire closet systems, so I decided to clog the servers with my thoughts and ideas on how to grow this versatile plant.

Lastly, I don't claim to be any sort of guru, or BS like that. I haven't been growing all that long, relatively speaking, and this is just what I have found to be a relatively easy system to maintain, which produces sufficient amounts in a reasonable time, time after time.

My main structure comes from a Mills Pride wardrobe closet available at any Home DePot. It comes with a adjustable light rail that you may choose to use, or you can scrap it if need be. After constructing the cab, it's time to let her breath. I put 4, 2in holes in the floor of the cab, 1 hole in each corner. This is the passive intake for the grow cab. If stealth is a issue for you, I also recommend buying 4, 90 degree PVC elbows. Insert these in holes that you just made to stop the light from leaking (Light CANNOT BEND)

Next I put a 4in hole in the back corner of the upper shelf. This will extract air from the lower bloom cab, up into the clone chamber, and out the last hole in your cab, the 6in hole on the very top of the chamber.

From here I have my 6in ducting running down to my carbon scrubber. Its being pulled in by my seriously over kill fan, a Can-fan turbine. It's got a 6in opening, but it's really like a 10in turbine. I don't know how much it pulls, both it and the light that I got were gifts from friends in high places let's say:blsmoke::bigjoint:

As far as what's inside, I'm using two Stackable filing crates, available at officemax, or office depot, or just about anything with office in the name, as bubble buckets. Inside those I dropped two airstones, each attached to it's own pump, per bucket. (2 Buckets, 4 pumps and stones.) I decided to put three plants per bucket, just cause I thought I could get away with it using a 400w light. So I cut 3 5 3/4 holes in the top of the buckets, and there you go, simple hydro. I decided to use Ionic nutes this time, but for my next round I'll be going with Botanicare. Hmmm what else. Ahh yes, my latest addition, my second cab, this one I use for Veg. Threw a teeny 70w hps in there, and that keeps the 6 plants that I have in there happy. They have a little smaller res, and only one pump, but still two airstones. The last harvest that I pulled out of here weighed in at slightly under 8 oz dry. I don't know if these will do as well, as they fell victim to a faulty timer when I was on vacation, which caused the lights to stay off for 3 days, But we'll see!
I'm definitely up to hear any suggestions, or comments that anyone might have. I'm going to post some photos of my system tomorrow when the lights are on, as it's already late here, and I still have to finish making my special butter... It's going to be a long night~

Pleased to make your acquaintance Rollitup~

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the welcome FPT, And yes, growing knowledge is just one of the many things that we like to grow here...;)

So yea, on to the goods.

These first photos are of the last grow, and the party that followed.
I planted this one seed in our strawberry garden, and well it soon over took the entire garden and needed to be transplanted. I put it in this 5 gal bucket and left it behind are BBQ for a few months. This little lady was the reason that I built my current cab, always out of necessity, not planning, a painful motto that leads to me having to do things time and time again to try and get it perfect.

Gotta love the titty weed cake!


Well-Known Member
so yea, heres a shot of the carbon scrubber, and hell IDK, a few others.

In my cab is 3 AK-47 from a local bank up here, and 4 NYC sour Diesel from Soma. and In the Veg cab I have another 3 Soma Diesel, and 3 orignal Blueberry, also from the bank.

Those sick little bastards in the clone cab are Blue dynamite x white widow, but I don't know if they're going to make it, there's plenty more though.

Right now I'm about 2 1/2 weeks into bloom, the node spaces are nice and tight on the AK, and I'm hoping to get a couple 10in colas off the ak. The diesel is much more compact, I think I'm only going to get a couple of 4-5in colas off those lady's.

Let me know if you have any questions, or if ya want any additional photos, I'll post new ones up every few days.

:peace: ALL~




New Member
great cab, i recently went out looking for one of the big mills pride cabs of overgrow fame {c-22 or similar] And quickly learned that mills pride no longer makes the big cabs like they used to. The best i could find was this cab 48" White Multi-Purpose Storage Cabinet
i built an internal skeleton inside and as of yet i have just one large chamber.[And no light] Word of advice to anyone who buys one of these cabs , if you gut it and leave out / remove all the shelves and dividers your left with a weak shell of a cabinet. I built my frame from 2"x2" pine and screwed through the particle board and into the pine all the way around. Without the frame it would fall apart. [and did once on my foot]