Vitamin C nuetralizes chlorine?? Make your own vitamin c!

"Vitamins cannot be isolated from their complexes and still perform their specific life functions within the cells. When isolated into artificial commercial forms, like ascorbic acid, these purified synthetics act as drugs in the body. They are no longer vitamins, and to call them such is inaccurate."

Speaking of vitamins I need to get high!
If it's just chlorine in your water and not CHLORAMINES yes kids theres a huge differance, especially when trying to offgas this wretched shiieeeeeet! I Usually just fill 5 gallon buckets an inch from the top, cover them with womens panty hose and let them off gas in a 50-60-70ish temp area for 24-48 hours, usually enough for chlorine to off gas on its own imvho. However sodium thiosulfate is whats needed when trying to remove chloramines, a good tutor or example to follow ois professional aquarium guys/gals they gotta keep there environments pristine for the overall health of the fish/environment. I can look up ratios if anyone needs. What a headache this was for me back in 2001 lol.
I fill up 4 gallon jugs and use 8 drops of Aquarium Dechlorinator in each jug. Directions call for 1ml per 10 gallons. in other words using a standard eyedropper 1ml=20drops - so 2 drops per gallon. hence 8 drops for 4 gallons. 3rd grade math

My friend that brews beer uses Vit C to get out Chlorine and Chlorimine - but it lowers PH

Also Read product labels closely, and if a product states that it removes chlorine and chloramines, but has no mention of ammonia, beware. Products such as these are designed to break the chloramine bond, separating the ammonia from the chlorine, at which point the chlorine is eliminated, but the released associated toxic ammonia remains in the water. Again, read labels carefully. In all likelihood, a product like this will also state that an additional brand name ammonia eliminating or detoxifying product should be used at the same time. The simplest solution to this problem is to buy a complete three-in-one chlorine, chloramines, and ammonia treatment tap water conditioner.
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