Visiting Colorado


Well-Known Member
I have a co-worker who is getting married never weekend and is going to honeymoon in Colorado. He’s flying in to Denver and he wanted to know if anyone could offer advice as to what he should expect when visiting a dispensary. He’s not looking for anything illegal but wants have a heads up on any pitfalls or concerns that an out of towner can avoid. And maybe some recommendations were they go for the “ good stuff “ . So you can offer advice he would appreciate it.
bring cash, talk to the people working there they will get you what you are looking for, indica, sativa, hybrids.
Above all remember EDIBLES take FOREVER to kick in, don't start eating more "cause nothing is happening"

Also remember just cause its legal to buy it, it's not legal to smoke it just anywhere.

have fun
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Is it his first dispo visit? I found Colo dispos to be…just like they are in most places - fast and pretty friendly. Honestly, compared to folk from the NE, where I’m from, people in CO are super friendly all around. Most importantly, no need for paranoia at all. That can be hard to get used to, lol