Vis Man Is Running


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Ron Paul: Next President Of The USA?
Texas Congressman enjoys support across political spectrum, anti-war pro-freedom hero represents America's last hope
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet
Friday, January 12, 2007
Ron Paul's office has confirmed reports that the Texas Congressman is set to run for the 2008 Presidency. Paul unites opposition to the war and the police state at home across the entire political spectrum and in contrast to the current gaggle of criminals running the White House, represents everything that America truly stands for. A gargantuan effort in support of Ron Paul needs to be mobilized now to prevent Americans from being hoodwinked once again into electing a different puppet of the same dark establishment in 2008.
Paul first ran for President as the Libertarian candidate in 1988, receiving a massive 400,000 votes. He now commands the support of those all across the political spectrum, from libertarians through anti-war Democrats to real paleoconservative Republicans.
Paul has been in and out of Congress since the 70's and is universally hated by the Republican elite, who routinely back Democrats against him just to try and get him out of office. The former Vietnam flight surgeon is the perfect candidate for President and activists from every corner of every political persuasion should mobilize now in an attempt to help Paul shatter the power monopoly of the Republican and Democrat establishment who have worked together for decades to slit America's throat in the interests of power, greed, and ego - all working towards the realization of a new world order.
The Texan represents a dying breed in Congress, those who actually cast their votes in accordance with the Constitution and not at the discretion of lobbyists or the fear that the elite will tarnish their political careers if they don't continually support the establishment. As a result Ron Paul is the elite's worse nightmare, simply having him on the ticket itself will be a massive public relations blow, and that's why media organs will probably be activated to try and discredit him before 2008.
Paul was one of only a handful of Republicans to vote against the illegal invasion of Iraq, contenting rightly that the Constitution clearly states that only Congress can declare war. In bucking a trend, Paul was anti-war long before the majority of the country came around to a similar way of thinking following the catastrophe of the occupation.
While Democrats soft-peddle and cozy up to Bush, creating phony arguments about the level of troop presence in Iraq and ignoring the majority will of the country to bring the troops home immediately, Ron Paul's opposition to unnecessary wars of intervention has remained steadfast throughout his entire political career.
If a gargantuan effort is made from now until the end of 2008 to heighten Paul's media profile and forward him as America's last hope, he truly has a significant chance of giving Jeb Bush, Rudy Giuliani or whichever elitist puppet the Republicans choose to put forward a real run for their money.
Never Give up Vi!

"He now commands the support of those all across the political spectrum, from libertarians through anti-war Democrats to real paleoconservative Republicans."

Put me down as a paleoconservative libertarian.


PS: Ron Paul is da man!

"He now commands the support of those all across the political spectrum, from libertarians through anti-war Democrats to real paleoconservative Republicans."

Put me down as a paleoconservative libertarian.


PS: Ron Paul is da man!

Me as the anti-war democrat. Obama-Paul, has a nice ring to it Eh!
Obama/Paul? You've got to be kidding! After one week of listening to Obama's left wing drivel, Ron Paul would take Obama out to the woodshed and beat him from here to eternity. Ron Paul is a limited government guy ... a return to the gold standard, abolish the Federal Reserve and IRS type of guy. And, Obama???

I'm excited that Ron Paul is running. I can hardly wait for the debates. I only wish that Alan Keyes was going to be standing there as well.

Obama/Paul? You've got to be kidding! After one week of listening to Obama's left wing drivel, Ron Paul would take Obama out to the woodshed and beat him from here to eternity. Ron Paul is a limited government guy ... a return to the gold standard, abolish the Federal Reserve and IRS type of guy. And, Obama???

I think he'd have his hands full with Obama in the woodshed. I also think if the Fed was explained to him the way I understood it in one of these posts, he would go along with revamping it. The Income tax would be allright with me if the FED were taken out of the equation. The Idea of paying rich Bankers to control our currency is appalling to me. Currency is in the realm of the government. As far as the gold standard, There isn't enough gold to back our 10 trillion dollar debt, let alone the outstanding currency, thats a pipe dream. Lets just burn all the currency and confiscate all the wealth and start over. Give every tax paying citizen, 300,000 of new money, and tell the foriegn nationals to fuck off, as were not paying on those treasury bonds. You like my plan?
Personally Med, I would not vote for Obama for 2 reasons.
1. Obama doesn't have the political experience with foreign policy.
2. there are too many racist in the country who would try to assassinate a black president. The country just isn't ready.
there are too many racist in the country who would try to assassinate a black president. The country just isn't ready.
Come on Dank, you don't really believe that do you? Maybe in texas and a few southern states he'd not do well, but in the blue states, the ones with reasonable thinking people, He'd do fine. If I were he and made pres. I'd keep my ass out of Texas!
No Med I can point out that there are just as many Klansmen, White Supremist, and Neo Nazis in the northern states as there are in southern states... Did you know that Oregon, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana Pennsylvania, Ohio are among just a few states that have more racist than we have in Texas…. Vider doesn’t speak for the state of Texas…. It’s not the racist that are outspoken that you have to worry about, it’s the racist that keep their mouths shut you should worry about.
I'd be proud to have a Black president ... as long as her/his name was Condi Rice or Alan Keyes. :)

Not enough gold left? What happened to all of it? Don't tell me people just threw it all away! Except for the gold that's been used for industrial and dental purposes, all the gold we've ever had is still in existance.

Vi I never said that we shouldn't have a black president, I just said that the country isn't ready for one yet.
Not enough gold left? What happened to all of it? Don't tell me people just threw it all away! Except for the gold that's been used for industrial and dental purposes, all the gold we've ever had is still in existance.

Doesn't matter how much we have left, If the rich bastosi haven't stolen it, there's still not enough to cover all the currency. You were talking the gold standard, which I supposed means the currerncy is backed by gold in ft. Knox, there is not enough gold to back the money, I don't think there has been since we went off the gold standard in the 30s or 40s whenever they did it!
There is plenty of gold left to back the currency. Not at $35 per ounce, but what ever the value is of a solid gold backed dollar, there is enough. The idea that the gold reserves are not adequate is an old ploy used for years by anti-solid money people. Its nothing but a lie.

from med's article...
The Texan represents a dying breed in Congress, those who actually cast their votes in accordance with the Constitution and not at the discretion of lobbyists or the fear that the elite will tarnish their political careers if they don't continually support the establishment.

This is all too true.

The only area of disagreement I have with Paul is his anti war on terror viewpoint......nobody's perfect.....
if the way the gvnmnt handles bonds is any indication, i doubt that money is printed in a fashion that in any way corresponds to appreciation of this gold stash we have in ky.
The only area of disagreement I have with Paul is his anti war on terror viewpoint......nobody's perfect..... Maybe he's smarter than you, just a thought, as the war on terror is a ploy to steal our freedoms. Think about it!
if the way the gvnmnt handles bonds is any indication, i doubt that money is printed in a fashion that in any way corresponds to appreciation of this gold stash we have in ky. Exactly, with the amount of currency in circulation today, there's no way the Gold in Ft. Knox could cover it even @ 500.00 an Oz. And what about the National Debt? I'll bet that alone would wipe out the treasury (Ft. Knox Gold). Dream on Vi, Maybe if you got all the women to bring in their gold and give it to the Govt. we could put a dent in it, but I doubt it! Hey here's an Idea, Ive got two gold crowns, we could do some major tooth pulling, but it might leave some rich bastosi toothless!