
im just bein a jackass about the fat bastard comment. i've never been into virgins myself. i've always preferred women that know what's up already. my fiance was a virgin, and it's taken a lot of patience on both our parts to work it out. i started at 15, so it there's a huge gap in our experience.

So can we assume that you have taught girls to "Suck a dick " ?
the whole point of what i wrote was to stress the fact that im not into teaching girls what to do. it's a PITA
Everything i do with my dick effects your life? lol Now i've heard it all.

Sounds like you need to go "scratch one off" real quick releave some tension!

I don't smoke cigarette's either i suppose that's fucked you over also.

I'm also very athletic...I suppose that pisses you off to!

I'm not saying aNYthing you do affects me because it probly doesn't. You don't seem to help the cause, but rather perpetuate the cycle.All of this is much bigger than just you and me buddy. I'd get coochie regardless, but why should guys have to work for it and pick it up in random doses? Cuz I'm sure as hell not going to pay for it. I want to have sex like almost every day, and see a new girl i want to love a rub dub....everyday. What if I'm shooting pool and a girl is liking my athletic body, but then i never see her cuz she won't make an approach. Thats right... its cuz some arrogant punk turned her down in highschool. shot the poor girls self esteem all to hell that one day she put the puss on a platter. She probly told her friends its not a good technique so now they don't ever do it either. Thanks a lot buddy. You're not doing anybody any favors. I don't care if you smoke cigarettes and don't care if you are an athlete. Have you lost all perspective on whats important and whats not? Its sad how you just don't get it :wall:
I'm not saying aNYthing you do affects me because it probly doesn't. You don't seem to help the cause, but rather perpetuate the cycle.All of this is much bigger than just you and me buddy. I'd get coochie regardless, but why should guys have to work for it and pick it up in random doses? Cuz I'm sure as hell not going to pay for it. I want to have sex like almost every day, and see a new girl i want to love a rub dub....everyday. What if I'm shooting pool and a girl is liking my athletic body, but then i never see her cuz she won't make an approach. Thats right... its cuz some arrogant punk turned her down in highschool. shot the poor girls self esteem all to hell that one day she put the puss on a platter. She probly told her friends its not a good technique so now they don't ever do it either. Thanks a lot buddy. You're not doing anybody any favors. I don't care if you smoke cigarettes and don't care if you are an athlete. Have you lost all perspective on whats important and whats not? Its sad how you just don't get it :wall:

No obviously you don't get it buddy, You calling me an arrogant punk because i was picky about who i wanted to sleep with the first time!
And for your, "i've lost all perspective on whats important and whats not comment" I guess i should have banged every chic in school so it would be easier for you to get laid. lol Your outlook on life is fucked up at best bro!
Now run along and cry because i didn't fuck every chic in school to make your life better. Your Pathetic!
Whatever dude. I don't give a shit I don't even know you. I'm just giving you a hard time. Obviously. Where did the virgin go?
I'm sorry to make this assumption, but your post seems like your kind of kidding?
Anyways, if you've waited this long your probably not a horn dog just looking to get laid. Maybe you should wait fora guy you really like rather than a random shag?
Foreplay will get your... organ ready so it will hurt less. Make sure your aroused before your first time.
I'm sorry to make this assumption, but your post seems like your kind of kidding?
Anyways, if you've waited this long your probably not a horn dog just looking to get laid. Maybe you should wait fora guy you really like rather than a random shag?
Foreplay will get your... organ ready so it will hurt less. Make sure your aroused before your first time.
oh totally not kidding. its a little pathetic really...i've never had a b/f...never done anything sexual with anyone other than i've never been kissed...yea im ok with waiting for the right dude...its just taking a really really long and it sucks too cuz all my friends have b/f's and im stuck being the single one...:cry: lol
ill gladly relieve u of ur v-card. and just cuz i like u ill take the av-card and ov-card all together. :hump:
no booty shot! lol. do i know if a guy just wants to get me in bed...or if he actually likes me? cuz theres this guy...i chat with him on msn every now and then (msg originally on a dating site...yea internet hes really cool...i love talking to him cuz we have a lot in common...but i dont know if he just wants in my pants or not. cuz i mean...i've been chatting with him every now and then for months...and we havent met in person yet...and i bring it up with him, and have invited him out...and he seems to want to come and hang out with me...but he never does. im a little frustrated and i know hes a shy i dont know if hes just a little nervous...or if hes just flat out not interested.
its probly cuz you won't show him a booty shot, so hes not sure if its cool to kick it. a booty shot can tell alot about girl