virgin grower popping his cherry! join me...


Active Member
join me on the journey to mastery. experience the bumps and newbie mistakes i make with me.... if i ask questions in my post, please feel free to post answers relevant to the question.

i got this clone on or around july 31st. it was somewhat rooted, and in a rockwool cube. the picture with the playing card shows its relative height. there is a thin layer of dirt over the top of the cube, so most of what of sticking out of the dirt is stem. (is that too long of a stem? should i have planted the rockwool cube deeper in the soil?)

for now, i keep it indoors at night, under a single CFL, basically a lamp. during the day i take it outside and leave it in a shaded area that receives indirect sunlight.
i will move it closer and closer to direct sunlight until it gets to be about 3 weeks old which is when i will start leaving it outdoors in direct sunlight during the day. (i have yet to build my "grow area" so i will post pictures as i attempt to build it. but that will be in the future.)

i water it with PH balanced (6.0) tap water. I plan on beginning light nutrients when it is 2 weeks old, maybe 100 PPM?? Is that too much or too low? I am planning on using advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow and Sensi Bloom.

the soil that i am currently using is fox farms organic soil. i'm not sure the exact type, but i do know that the brand is fox farms, and the soil is organic. i will continue to move to bigger pots as the plant gets root bound...

i think i have covered what i have so far... oh yea, the strain is "grape punch" and i got it from harborside healthcare in oakland, ca... represent!! yee1!! and sorry if my pics are crappy, i am using a crappy iphone camera...

thanks for taking the time to read my post, and if you answer any of the questions i posed... thank u for that as well!!!

i am super excited about this baby and am looking forward to harvesting my first smoke from this girl... i hope that you guys reading this will be there with me on that day...




Active Member
well, not too much to update now. i added a bit more soil to the cup that i have my grape punch in. i also brought home another well rooted clone. this one is blue dream, sativa by the length of the leaves... i will continue to keep u all in the loop!! thanks for reading my grow journal!!! pics coming soon.


Well-Known Member
well, not too much to update now. i added a bit more soil to the cup that i have my grape punch in. i also brought home another well rooted clone. this one is blue dream, sativa by the length of the leaves... i will continue to keep u all in the loop!! thanks for reading my grow journal!!! pics coming soon.
Looks good man, what kind of lighting are you using? I'm on my first grow and am curious to what others are using and what produces the most buds. Keep up the good work. Check out my grow and comment :weed:


Active Member
hey guys... wow can't believe it's been 25 days already since i last posted... well i been pretty busy... i moved into a place where i can safely grow. i have some pics to post of the little grow box i'm making, so i will post those first....

the measurements of the box: Floor is 5'x6'... and the vertical height is 7'. so about 210 cubic feet. quite a bit of space, considering i only have 3 plants that are in veg. i plan on lighting the cube with a 400 watt hps lamp. i will string 2 2x4s across the top, which i will hang that lamp from. for odor control, i will use a small ozone generator.

i am researching methods for co2 enrichment. the ideal solution would be the tank, but i don't know if i want to invest all the money for regulator, tank, refills, etc. not to mention those things are a bitch to move around when full.

i plan on having a thin plywood exterior lined with styrofoam which is then layered over by mylar on the inside. i'm going to try and have all the different pieces of styrofoam form a somewhat airtight seal.

any thoughts? suggestions? pictures of my plants are coming up next... :)



Active Member
ok so the place i moved into... the lease owner already has a grow op going, so i asked him to take care of my babies while i set up my room... the douchebag... i don't know what he did to them, but their leaf tips are all brown and stuff. i have a feeling it's nute burn, so i am flushing them with ph balanced tap water. they are in fox farms organic soil right now... the indica strain is grape punch, and the two sativas are blue dream, and blue cheese, i believe. i have them set up in my closet for now. they are lit by two CFLs which are each 23 w. one of them is a blueish tint and the other is reddish, so there's light coverage across all spectrums. the small lap is a 20w halogen? not very effective, but better than nothing, i suppose. i am adding one more reading lamp with another 23w CFL. i also have a small fan set up in their for air flow.

any thoughts, suggestions? eventually, what i plan on doing is having 4, 4ft 40w flourescent lamps. it's not included in the picture, but there is a board that i can attach those CFLs to, which is the perfect height away if i were to turn the top half of that closet into a clone factory...

let me know what you guys think. sorry if my pics are crappy... they're all taken with my iphone. :(


ink the world

Well-Known Member
The clones look nice, good job so far.

I have a similar closet, divided up/ down.
I light-proofed the top using black poly, and use that as my clone area. Im using CFL's up there.
The bottom is the flowering chamber, im using a 150 watt HPS and CFL's to flower.
Having the cloning area up top is great, they need some extra heat and humidity. I use a fan to blow from the bottom up and forcs the hotter air into the cloning area before it get exhausted.

my grow log is in my sig. might give you a better idea how i use a similar space.


Active Member
well now.. it's been a while since i made an update... and here it is! so i'm moving to ANOTHER place... and i'm hoping this will be the last place i move to so i can set up shop. funny thing is, my new room mate slangs herb! haha! anyways... my grow is hella super ghetto.. but damn it, i'm gonna make it work! all those people that tried to stop me from growing. all those people that lie to me and tell me it's bad... this is like my big "f*ck u" to all them. haha.

so yea, i'm getting a 400 watt hps lamp next week. i'm going to put them on a 12/12 schedule and maybe add some light nutes to the water... probably 200 ppm @ first... then if i don't see any nute burn, i'll slowly increase to.... actually i'm not sure...

if anyone could answer that for me, it would be greatly appreciated!! the question is: do i need to add nutes to a plant that is in organic potting soil? if so, what's the max ppm i should feed? i understand that organic soil has a lot of nutrients already....

so the plant on the very left is grape punch... been vegging for almost a month now. very sad looking, but i have done quite a bit of pruning. i take off the fan leaves that don't have buds attached to them. i read somewhere in these forums that it increases the # of bud nodes, and it seems like it's doing the trick! and by sad, i mean, it's very skinny. i take very good care of them, but they are a bit stunted cuz the douchebag room mate i live with treated them like shit for a few weeks.

the middle plant is blue cheese, i think? been vegging for about two weeks now... it's super healthy! because i've been taking care of it from the very beginning... haha... imagine how my other two plants would look if i was taking care of them the entire time.... this plant is really wide... the leaves are super fat... and also... i see fan leaves that have 7 sections! instead of the usual 5... is that normal?!?! someone answer that for me as well, please? :D

and the plant on the very right is blue dream... same story as the grape punch... skinny from pruning and a douchebag roommate... :( plenty of bud nodes though, so i'll just keep on loving them!

i'm very juiced to get this 400 hps light... i want to really FEED my plants some good light, u know? haha. i think i might veg them for a week, then start them on 12/12. give them time to adjust to the lighting...

anyways, i think that's it. feel free to leave constructive criticism, please. thank you! peace & love.

