
Well-Known Member
LOOKING GOOD YO! hey question, what happened to most threads? why did i loose more then half of mine? lol
ive been mad busy and i just logged on and was like wtf!
anyways nice set up homie
sup forever glad to have ya in thanks for the kind words , the threads and posts loss is due to a hacker job done on RIU a few weeks back forget the exact date but the whole site got set back a month or so .....fucking bullshit :(


Well-Known Member
Ha I got into many heated discussions on this fucking fem seed bullshit.....
Anyways curly what are you thinking about your lights performance up to this point? Honest?
whats up psuagro hows things my man , so far honestly grower to grower/growers this is the best panel i have owned ,growth , quality of build , warranty everything so far i dont really have one bad thing to say about these panels or the company itself , this is my first run with em but the bud sites that i can see forming say im going to have some huge colas .... not blowing my own whistle or anything just sayin what i can see , time will be the true test but i know these panels are going to perform very very well throughout and i think (although it dosent really matter to me) that these will be on par or even surpass what a 600w hps can do and for me even matching hps watt for watt its a no brainer to use leds (plug and play , heat issues , ect). but ya gettting back to what you asked performance wise these things take the cake so far by a significant amount.


Well-Known Member
on that note here is an update for everyone :D today is day 8 of flower and things are rolling along very nicely, flower sites are starting to form in very nice formation tight node space but enough room for big bud growth , plants didnt uptake there water as fast this feed so today is the last 50/50 feed and im sure it will go right back to watering every other day or even more nearing the end. here are the gals :D :



Well-Known Member
not 100% sure on that man recommendation is to keep em 12-24 inches from the canopy for this specific model you can get aeway with putting them closer im sure but i wouldnt want them closer than 6 inches


Well-Known Member
So you guys are saying their is a benifit by putting them so close? Faster growth i'd imagine? Shorter nodes?

Those photos by curly as well as the April promo vipar has just now has done it for me! im off to buy the A100!!!


Well-Known Member
OK, Thats that A100 purchased! Even for growth like curly was getting will be worth it alone for the small price of the unit!

I got a feeling i wont be needing my huge CFL' s anymore...what a shame lol


Well-Known Member
Shoulda waited... no reason to doubt the A100, but all LEDs can do a great veg/early flower. It's what they do in flower that's the test :)


Well-Known Member
Yes i do understand what you are saying but i cant get an LED here in UK from other manufacturer for £130 and i am willing to pay this for the grow chamber stage alone because my cfl dont grow them like that!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your honest response curly.....I think your a great grower no matter the lighting, as your pics attest too.
Where getting to the critical stage now....will see how these panels perform....
As always be safe and happy growing.....


Well-Known Member
Sure they'll be fine I wasn't trying to imply it won't :) Just meant it's a new light so who knows until the testing is complete :) Hopefully it'll exceed his expectations


Well-Known Member
LOL, yes, i have my 3 flower phase 2700k CFL's anyhow as back up if flowering goes tits up with viper but i want one for my grow chamber. At present I have a huge CFL and it runs hot in the small space. These vipar LED are by far my best grow option.

I have a BLZ bud and an OG Kush (Privada) that has been flowering for 2 weeks under CFL and so i will give them a week under only viper A100 and see what happens.

If any good for flowering I'll buy another, as I said this is heaven sent for my grow stage! Only option before was UFO but cant get as many plants under it as viper LED.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your honest response curly.....I think your a great grower no matter the lighting, as your pics attest too.
Where getting to the critical stage now....will see how these panels perform....
As always be safe and happy growing.....
thanks psuagro , thank you very much you are too kind , like you say this is the start of the critical stage of growth things are gonna go very well i can feel it , the real question is how well? :D safe and happy growing to you as well my friend cheers :)


Well-Known Member
LOL, yes, i have my 3 flower phase 2700k CFL's anyhow as back up if flowering goes tits up with viper but i want one for my grow chamber. At present I have a huge CFL and it runs hot in the small space. These vipar LED are by far my best grow option.

I have a BLZ bud and an OG Kush (Privada) that has been flowering for 2 weeks under CFL and so i will give them a week under only viper A100 and see what happens.

If any good for flowering I'll buy another, as I said this is heaven sent for my grow stage! Only option before was UFO but cant get as many plants under it as viper LED.
Budman! what up brotha , so you made the plunge and nabbed an A100 eh? great choice man those units are cool as shit never used one myself but i like the idea of a few smaller units depending on the space of coarse. so you had some going under cfl's and now your gonna switch em over? sounds cool man one thing i might add is even though im sure they will do great, doing the entire grow under led gives ya a much better idea of how they perform on their own , i mean this is only when possible but since ya got em going already why the fuck not right :D like i say though i think youll be more than happy with the results , any plans on a journal? that would be cool :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks curly, Yes its a small space so the A100 is ideal. Plants are 2 weeks in to flower so maybe do my first journal next grow. I will only use the LED and no CFL for the remaining 6/7 weeks. I have full confidence this will work.

I will start a new thread at the end of this grow with pics with the results. As i said before i really want them for veg purposes so if they take off in flower i'll buy another. Its win-win!


Well-Known Member
Thanks curly, Yes its a small space so the A100 is ideal. Plants are 2 weeks in to flower so maybe do my first journal next grow. I will only use the LED and no CFL for the remaining 6/7 weeks. I have full confidence this will work.

I will start a new thread at the end of this grow with pics with the results. As i said before i really want them for veg purposes so if they take off in flower i'll buy another. Its win-win!
smart move man that is a win win :D cant wait to see how things turn out for ya man as well as the journal next round!


Well-Known Member
i would recomend the same , i always use a teaspoon of calmg with every feed now it is necessary with led growing :D