vintage marijuana shirts


so my uncle has been sending me marijuana shirts from the 70's that he used to wear. theya re pretty awesome, but unfortunately alot are too small. but still dope none the less. a little bit of historybongsmilie

over grow the earth
Nasa control- You are not going to believe this...

cannabis indica

a puff of kif in the morning makes a man strong as a thousand camals!!!

liberate marijuana

midnite import co. michocan divinsion

1979 international dealer-transporters convention

that back of the convention shirt

smoke the best, smoke columbian

home grown

high time, the magazine of high society

hope i spark some happy memories bongsmilie


Active Member
If you ever think about selling LET ME KNOW!!!!
Though if I were in your shoes, I'd hold on tight to those <3


yeah iv been contemplating what to do with them. I think they are badass i wish there was a way to frame the ones that dont fit and put em up in my house.

im wearing the liberate marijuana one in my avatar haha

bblz do you have any idea of value? i have looked around ebay a little but but i can never find anything related on there, and dont really know anywhere else to get a value besides some hipster filled thrift store that will buy them dirt cheap and then sell them for way more. id much rather sell them to someone who knew their importance or atleast gave a shit about marijuana in the long run hahaha


New Member
yeah iv been contemplating what to do with them. I think they are badass i wish there was a way to frame the ones that dont fit and put em up in my house.
get a shadow box, its a frame, except you're meant to put things in it, my mom has one dedicated to my grandpa


Active Member
I'm not sure of the worth.... That's a hard one. Maybe do a little research? But myself I'd buy that "Home Grown" shirt for $60 just because I love it.
I'm sure they are worth something..


yeah the home grown is one of my favorites......the date on it is 1972 almost 40 years old and its in better condition than alot of my newer shirts


bud bootlegger
i'm digging the smoke the best, smoke columbian, but fuck man, they're all fucking sweet as shit... my problems is i'm tall, 6/4, and getting fat, and shit hardly ever fits me.. that sucks as those are wicked cool..


i hear that, im almost contemplating going to the gym just to slim down enough to wear them...but i got kinda a beer belly so i think that id end up bulking up rather than slimming LOL


Active Member
all the tags say size "medium 38 - 40", but they seem pretty tight for mediums

As the world becomes fatter, sizes become larger...a medium then is like a small/extra small now.

ok, i need to stop smoking...just posted about shit i learned when working at old navy...bad. :dunce:


lol i dont know sizes in numbers so its good to have someone who has experience with the math of sizing shirts post haha but that just goes to show that even the most mundane things you learn at work can actually be helpful outside of work once and a while haha

i used to work at a movie theater and everytime i go to a theater and get my tickets i subconsciously say "enjoy your show" when i give my tickets to the thats embarrassing HAHA


Active Member
haha, tru. The small, insignificant shit that sticks with us for the longest time and comes out at the most random moments. lol