videos about rolling a good simple joint?


Active Member
any one have some GOOD videos about rolling a good simple joint?
im so bad at this....the bong helps me all the time but i like joint so much..


Well-Known Member

best pot instructional video EVER!

I have a need to go burn one asap......better watch that vid again just to make sure I'm rolling it right.

God I love natural hot bodies. wow.

repityrep for posting that up neo.........great find.


Well-Known Member

righty good show, do what he does one or two times and you can have it rolled PERFECTLY in a minute tops, usually for me a minute just because I get fancier with it and put a tiny strip of scotch tape around the filter where it meets the paper (doesn't affect taste or anything because it doesn't get burned) to hold it air tight and create a cigarette type drag, perfection. Not how I learned initially but his video was the first time I encountered a filter being used and let me tell you, removes that whole roach problem and imo just makes it a nicer, easier smoke.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Put bud in paper. Spread even. Put less in middle to counter act pregnant joint. get rolling motion down(so that the bud is rolling up and down with the movement of the paper). Once movement is down use thumbs to tuck in the bottom part of paper(make sure it is securely tucked in). Nice and easy twist it up from bottom to top so as if anything, you only lose bud from tip of joint. Lick and stick. You have just rolled a joint.

May include rolling with a filter/crutch in bottom end(maybe even start that way). Coarseness of grind and dry/freshness of material makes a good difference.

Don't use dyed or inked paper for a filter as is will affect the smoke


Well-Known Member
Put bud in paper. Spread even. Put less in middle to counter act pregnant joint. get rolling motion down(so that the bud is rolling up and down with the movement of the paper). Once movement is down use thumbs to tuck in the bottom part of paper(make sure it is securely tucked in). Nice and easy twist it up from bottom to top so as if anything, you only lose bud from tip of joint. Lick and stick. You have just rolled a joint.

May include rolling with a filter/crutch in bottom end(maybe even start that way). Coarseness of grind and dry/freshness of material makes a good difference.

Don't use dyed or inked paper for a filter as is will affect the smoke
what is a good filter paper then? I'm going to the head shop tomorrow anyway. I usualy just take some printer paper and rip it and fold it to make the filter.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
They sell filter paper at all head shops, I'd assume unbleached natural paper are the best kind.

Looks like that^
I usually get the element packs that include paper filter combo.


Well-Known Member
Nice, thank you good sir. I remember seeing those in other old threads about joints too, can't believe I forgot about 'em!

stoned cockatoo

New Member
its a skill. Practice and one day you will just realize you are rolling perfect scoobs. I used to more fold my joints instead of roll .wasn't until after a month of rolling my own cigarettes that I got it down to an art